Chapter 374

2837 Words

Arrick s POV ~ Saving Sophie in the club ~ "I wander around the crowd looking for Sophie; agitated, uptight and messed up royally. I told Natasha we should start again, slowly, see how it goes. Back to dating and taking baby steps to see if we can salvage what we used to have so, for right now, I m still single technically but just that we now have to start seeing one another romantically. " "She agreed that we ve become distant and stale and if we start with the small steps towards finding our passion again, then maybe we can fix what we once had. It all sounded good at the time, to begin with, but that clawing doubt and indecision was soon pushing me to down shots in a bid to get my s**t together. Head consumed with Sophie s absence, and pain biting at me to go find her and kick s

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