Chapter 110

1638 Words

Jake stills over me, bracing himself on his arms, biceps straining impressively. His naked skin has a soft sheen of moisture and is glistening at me from inches above my own nakedness. I'm heated, tingling and tired and yet outraged he has stopped. "What's wrong, bambino?" His intense gaze dissecting my face, his breathing rapid. I wriggle impatiently, unimpressed with his sudden halt. "Nothing …What are you doing?" I stay nestled in the pillows watching him in confusion. My heart rate still elevated and my breathing shallow. "Baby, we have been having s*x for the best part of a half hour and I haven't made you c*m once … That's unheard of for you … I'm starting to feel a little more than inadequate." He pulls off me, indicating he's not going to continue. "Jake, don't stop … It still

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