Chapter 91

1591 Words

It's starting to rain, nothing heavy just gentle rivulets of water running down the vast windows and it's almost mesmerizing highlight the fact I'm tired. Last night it was hard enough to fall asleep but waking with my nightmare and then waking early has taken its toll on me. Lately I have been feeling the effects of living with someone who rarely sleeps. He's up early and waking me with him or keeping me awake late into the night with s*x or talking. I need to start being firmer with him, this fatigue that's almost daily right now is a little annoying and making me more emotional. There's a soft knock on the door and Rosalie comes in as I turn to face her, still tucked up in Jake's oversized chair. "That's me heading off, Emma, I've a doctor's appointment, Margo said I could leave early

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