Chapter 52

1826 Words

I get up with renewed vigor the next morning. I've slept better than I have for days and somehow, I'm more able to cope. I eat, wave Sarah off to work and tell her I have a day off to get ready for the dance. It's not a complete lie as I intend to get ready in grand fashion, going to lengths I've never bothered with before. Wilma is right, a good dress and a girly night with Leila will help. I intend to follow Leila's example. Something she taught me on the yacht was pampering is an enjoyable girly pursuit and can almost fool you into believing you don't have a broken heart. She also told me that a good night with a girlfriend can change your whole outlook on life. I manage to book an appointment at a beauty salon for just after noon and I'm having the works. Nails, hair, waxing, make-up.

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