Chapter 20

6092 Words

After lunch, Jake takes us ashore on the speedboat which is moored to the back of the yacht. He doesn't say anything again about my hair, whether I should cut it or not, and I don't bring it up. He has a car and driver waiting on land to take us anywhere we desire, and leaves us with a goodbye at the port, and orders to call him when we're returning. He hands me a credit card which I try to push back at him but meet his death glare. I know better than to argue with that look. I slide it in my bag, knowing better than to push when he made it clear before we came here that this was all on him. That if I even mentioned paying for a single thing, he would tie me up and dump me in the ocean. Jake's funny about very few things, but women paying is a strong dislike. He likes to be the traditiona

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