Chapter 228

1720 Words

"He effortlessly moves to in fighter pose, arms in tight, light on his toes and head tucked. For someone who specializes in mixed combat, Arrick has the stance of a boxer down to a fine art. He almost dances on his feet as instinct kicks in and he goes all into trained mode, flexing his shoulders and grinning like a cheeky, cocky ass, who has as undefeated record. " "Jake lifts his hands in defense, just as good at this, and just as cocky, being sometimes his brothers sparring partner at the gym. He takes a swipe with a flat hand at Arrick s head, but he ducks, weaves, and lands another mock blow on Jake s shoulder this time. Too fast and focused for even big brother Jacob. Jake grabs his wrist and attempts to yank him into a headlock, unsuccessfully, both too equally matched in this,

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