Chapter 212

2030 Words

"I throw up in the bushes to the side of the garden, holding my head as I sway around, shoes in hand and bag dangling down at ankle level. I feel like hell, tired and recounting- how many drinks I had and again gawp in disbelief that I can feel this way on a minimal amount. It hasn t been that long since I stopped being a seasoned drinker, so there is no way my tolerance has waned this badly. I only drunk three, maybe four glasses at most, yet I am in the state of having had ten or more. Everything is spinning weirdly, and it doesn t feel like normal drunk at all. Normal drunk doesn t give me this dry throat and painful ache in my stomach that has made me throw up twice." "I stagger up to my front door on unsteady legs; the sound of the departing cab still echoing in the distance and a

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