Chapter 205

1159 Words

"It s been days since Arrick left my room and I am barely functioning. I have moped around, either at home until my mom s pandering efforts have driven me mad, or at Emma, or Leilas , who are equally suffocating me. Jake is my only respite, with his shrugged off chill and his  life s too short attitude. He tends not to dwell on  matters with me and just lets me hang out. He s keeping me sane, while everyone else is mothering me to insanity." "I m restless, listless, antsy, and just need to let off some steam to feel normal for one night. Every part of my body is screaming to go out and get blind drunk and numb for a few hours, but I m stopping myself from going down that route again. Really trying to behave, listening to my counselor, whom I saw this morning for the first time

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