Chapter 148

3337 Words

Jake kisses me in the sitting room, as Mathews takes his luggage past us toward the elevator outside the apartment door, his hands cup my jaw leaving me with a kiss that curls my toes. My hormones perking up to say hello, giving me the usual warm tingling longing. I still haven't got a handle on this panty-combusting thing he causes. "I'll call you when I land okay?" He brushes his nose against mine and lightly kisses me. "I'll miss you." I sigh against him, my arms around his neck, I reach up to be wrapped around him tightly. He slides his hands down my sides and around my back pulling me in further still. There's nothing in this world that feels like a full-on cuddle from Jake. Nothing will ever compare to this. "No sneaking off to Chicago until I'm back. Promise me." He narrows his e

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