Chapter One - The beginning

2014 Words
Jasmine’s Point of view After having been thrown out of dad’s house, I kept on thinking about where I was going to go and live. I just lost my job, and have no money in my account. I am in debt and I haven’t even paid my taxes yet. I got back on my phone and dialed the only number of the person I knew would take me in no matter what. I kept on checking the screen as it rang, hoping that he would pick up soon me, I was tired from driving for miles, and the sleepless nights I had been having did not help me at all. I called the number again and he didn’t pick up again. I sighed heavily, not sure what I would be doing next. “I need to go and see him,” I thought to myself as I started the ignition of the car and pulled out of dad’s yard. I was going to see Miguel, my cousin, hoping that he would let me in and stay with him for a few days. I got in my car and started driving to Miguel’s office. I knew he had a strict boss, but I just had to see him before it was too late for me. I arrived at the company and pulled over in the parking lot. The guard stopped my car as he bent over. “Good Afternoon Ma’am, how can I help you?” he questioned, looking into me as I faked a smile at him. “Good afternoon Sir, I am here to see Mr. Wells,” I said to him as he looked at me briefly. “Do you have an appointment? Why don’t you use the front gate?” He questioned me as I sighed heavily, he was starting to get on my nerves now. “Because it’s a personal visit. Sir, Listen. I have tried his cell phone and I can’t get through to him. Please just call him and tell him his cousin is here”, I said to him and he swallowed hard. “Fine. Please stay here”, He said, and went back to his small office where he dialed a few numbers. I got out of the car and stood there waiting for him. “Can you patch me through to Mr. Wells?” He said through the phone as I watched him. He kept quiet for a while before he started speaking again. “Hello Sir, I have a Ms….” He said, looking at me. “Jasmine Carter,” I said to him, anxiously waiting. “Jasmine Carter, she says she’s your cousin” he repeated after me as I watched him nodding his head. “Yes Sir. Thank you”, He responded, putting the phone down. “What did he say” I questioned him as he came over to where I was. “Unfortunately, he won’t be able to see you because he’s going to a meeting,” he said as I let out an exasperated sigh. I did not even let him finish. “He said that you can wait for him in his office,” he said to me as I chuckled softly, sighing heavily. “Come on now! Why didn’t you tell me”, I said to him with a smile on my face? “He told me to do that. You can go through” he said to me as I smiled at him, “thank you! I will see you later” I said, getting in the car and starting the ignition. I waved at him before driving in. I went to the underground parking lot and tried to find a parking spot. I remember a few years ago how I left this place when I could not take dad’s pressure from trying to marry me off to his Jewish friend. I remember getting down on my knees pleading for Miguel to help me out in this parking lot, and how he almost got in trouble because of me. I pulled over and turned off the ignition of the car, sighing heavily. I grabbed my handbag, pulling out a hairbrush and powder for my face. I brushed my hair and fixed my face with powder and lipstick when I was certain that I was fine, I put all my things in my bag and got out of the car, and made my way to the elevator. I got in and pressed the button went to Miguel’s office. I kept on taking deep breaths as I waited for the elevator to reach the floor. I got on the floor and got out of the elevator. I looked to the left, then right, trying to decide which way to go. “I think it’s right,” I said to myself, going to the right as I looked at the offices and seeing people through the transparent glass. “Excuse me, Ma’am? Are you looking for someone?” Someone shouted after me as I turned around to look at the way I was coming from. The woman wore a white long-sleeved shirt with black office pants. Her dark brown hair with big curls falling freely “Hi. I am looking for Miguel Wells's office”, I said to her with a smile on my face. “Are you Jasmine?” She questioned me as I nodded my head. “How did you know my name?” I questioned her. “I have seen you before. Madison Clayton. We met last time you were here”, She explained as I reluctantly nodded my head. I remember her helping me a few years ago when Miguel’s boss wanted to get him in trouble. “You are on the wrong floor. His office is on the 8th floor. Come, I will take you”, She said to me as I nodded my head, following him behind. “So, are you visiting?” She questioned me as I nodded my head. “Yes. For a couple of days.” I said to her as I held on to my bag, “That’s great”. She responded as she looked up and at the elevator screen. We arrived at the floor and she walked out first, leading the way, as I followed her to bed. “Morning…” She greeted the people that we met on the way to the office. I kept staring around as I looked at the office. What was with the transparent glass everywhere? I questioned myself as we approached the office. She arrived at a door that was the only one with a door and not transparent. She knocked twice before getting in, leaving the door open. Immediately, she her face brightened up and was smiling vividly. “Come in!” She said to me as I steadily walked into the office, The office had a glass table on the left-right with glass surrounding the office. One can even look at the city from the view. “Jaz!” Miguel excitedly said as he walked to where I was standing, pulling me in an embrace as I chuckled into hugging him back. “Hi Cuz, Long time,” I said to him as I pulled away from him while smiling at him. “It’s great to see you. I cannot believe how good you look. Look at you glowing” he said to me as I swallowed hard. “I will be on my way now!” the lady said and Miguel did not even spare her a glance as she spoke, “Thank you so much,” I said to her as she nodded her head, leaving the room. I turned to Miguel as I looked at his office. “Wow! I guess you are doing well here. Look at this” I said to him as I smiled, admiring the room. It was the perfect definition of living a good life. “I guess being loyal has finally paid off”, I teased him as he shrugged his shoulders, smiling at me. “Uncle Nick called,” he said to me as I sighed heavily, going to sit down. I knew dad would have called him so that he did not help me. “Please don’t tell me you are going to throw me out as well.” I said to him as he tilted his head, “Oh come on! Where will I go?” I questioned him and he rushed to me. “Jaz, you know that if I do anything more to help you, he won’t talk to me and how will I pay his medical bills if he won’t accept my help?” He questioned me as I shook my head. “Please… It is just for a few days. I swear I will find something to do.>” I pleaded with him and he shook his head. “I am always sticking my head out for you. Do you know that after you left it took a year for me to get on talking terms with Uncle Nick? I promised our mother I would take care of him and I can’t break that promise” he said, as I sighed heavily. God! Why does he always try to be the upright guy in the family? “And what about me? Where will I go?” I questioned him as I looked into his eyes. He lowered his head and put his hands in his pockets without responding. “Fine! Help me with a, grand and I will give you back once I find something to do” I said to him and he lifted his head it frowning. “I will pay you back. I just need to find a house to rent until then” I said to him and he scoffed. “We both know you won't find a house in such a short period of time. Where do you plan on sleeping?” He questioned me as he came to sit where I was sitting “In the car, many people do it,” I said to him and he sighed heavily. Just then, his phone decided to ring. “Hello?” he picked up. “Okay. I am on my way”, He said calmly on the phone. “I will be back,” he said to me, standing on the couch as I nodded my head. He left the office and I sat back in the chair thinking of what would happen if he did not help me. I was hoping he would be back soon, but he took hours just to get back here there, I went around the office, played games on my phone, but he was not back yet. I heard the door open and voices coming in as I sat up straight. He walked in before he closed the door, walking in “Sorry. took it long”. He said to me as I nodded my head, “So, will you help me?” I questioned him as he sighed heavily, looking at me from head to toe. He scoffed as he looked, he was brightened up like an idea had just popped up in his head. “I think I might have found a solution to your problems,” he said to me as he smiled vividly at me. Okay, that was something scarily and something not to look forward to. “You are perfect! You have a background of medical experience who is also single and looking for money”, he excitedly said to me as I widened my eyes. “Miguel?” I called his name as he smiled, coming closer to me. “It’s not certain but I think we have just found a way for you to make money. Do you trust me?” he questioned me as I nodded my head. I trusted Miguel, but what we were about to do was stupid and dangerous.
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