Chapter 1

1360 Words
Has your world ever come to a halt? Have you ever felt as if everything that made you happy and comfortable had vanished, leaving you with an empty and emotional shell? Otherwise, I have. I can promise you that it is not a pleasant sensation. I was a cheerful child. I was the pack's "princess," as my parents lavished attention on me, I was always well-liked, I had plenty of friends, and I had close siblings. Only one day. It only took something to turn my world upside down and my outlook on life dismal. ************************************************* The day began like any other. I went through required pack training. Before we got our wolves on our 16th birthday, every child in the pack had to start training at the age of 11. We could ease the transition when we got our wolves if we exercised and conditioned our bodies. The transformation would not be as painful, or so my parents would tell me. "Catherine! Hold on!" I spun around to find my best friend, Oliver, the pack's future beta, sprinting after me. With a grin on my face, I gazed at him. "How are you, Ollie?"" He gave me the biggest smile and inquired what I had planned for tonight. "There are no plans. What are your plans for tonight?" "A group of us were going to the next pack over for a party they were throwing." I overheard Michael discussing it and was wondering if you wanted to accompany me." I really didn't want to go. I didn't always appreciate the parties hosted by the wolves of the Crimson Sun pack. They were always rowdy and resulted in someone getting into trouble, which was usually my brother Michael and me. But I know that if I don't go, Ollie will, and he'll get himself into trouble. I decided to attend this party just because I care about Ollie. "I suppose so. I'm free. I don't need your or my parents to be angry at me if you swear not to do anything dumb." Despite the fact that Ollie and I are the same age, I am regarded as the "more responsible" of the two of us, so whenever we get into trouble, both of our parents turn to me. As the Alpha's daughter, I am more responsible, and I should know better. These talks are nothing new to Michael and myself. We could practically recite the lectures in our sleep at this point. "Of course!" says one. Without a doubt! I guarantee we won't get into any problems, and if we do, we can go home! Is it okay if we meet at the Crimson Sun pack? My father wants me to attend some further training, and I believe I will be with him all day. Let's meet at 8 p.m. under the huge oak tree by the pack entrance to Crimson Sun." Oliver hugs me, overjoyed that I agreed to accompany him to the celebration. " OK, now go to your training." I have some assignments to finish before I can consider going to a party." We both go our separate ways, and I go to the packhouse to finish my schoolwork. The packhouse usually houses the rank members of the pack; however, my family does not live in the packhouse. When my father met my mother, he decided he didn't want to raise his family in the packhouse, so he built us a house about a 10-minute walk away. I normally do my schoolwork in the packhouse since it allows me to avoid my brothers. I adore my brothers, but they can grate on my nerves at any time. I'm deep in my homework when I look at my phone and see it's already 7 p.m. and I should be getting ready for the party. I dash out the door to take a shower and choose a clothing. I chose a black halter top, a high-waisted black skirt, and my favourite black heels. I run about my room putting on my make-up and applying it lightly. I don't generally wear make-up and only did when I went to events with Oliver. I double-checked the time and realised I'd be late for the meeting with Ollie. I sent him a quick text to let him know I was about to leave but would be late and that he could go in without me and I would locate him. I eventually leave my pack area as I make my way across the woods. I resume my walk through the woods, trying to move as quickly as possible. I dislike driving through this neighbourhood. Between my pack and the Crimson Sun pack is a little patch of woods known as "No Man's Land," also known as rogue territory. My skin's hair begins to raise, and I have the uneasy feeling that I am being watched. I continue to rush as fast as I can in case there is something in the woods with me. Why did I choose to wear these high heels? They're making it difficult for me to get through the woods. I turn around when I hear a twig snap. Three males emerged from the tree line. The stench emanating from them was unpleasant. Rogues. I don't think I'll be able to handle all three of them. I still don't got my wolf, and all three of them tower over me. "Look at what we've got here, boys. "Someone came to play," said the tallest of the three. I hurriedly glanced at all three of them before bolting. I sprinted as quickly as I could, my heart hammering in my ears. I'm not sure whether I can outrun the three of them, but I'll die trying. The shortest of the three approaches me and tries to yank my hair back, but i immediately fling him to the ground. "So you think you can take on three of us, be a good girl and give us what we crave," he growls. But over my dead body will i allow these thre rogues have my body to do as they please, "Helppppp...." i shouted hoping someone in the Crimson Sun pack can hear me and come assist in the fight against these rogues. "Let's surround her so she doesn't have anywhere...." As the words of the rogue hung in the tense air, I knew I had to act swiftly. With adrenaline pumping through my veins, I made a split-second decision. I lunged forward, my agile form slipping through the narrow gap between two of the rogues, narrowly avoiding their grasping hands. In my haste to escape their encirclement, I didn't anticipate the massive rogue to react so quickly. With brute force, he swung his enormous frame towards me, aiming to collide and incapacitate me. The impact was like a freight train hitting a car. I felt the jarring shock as his body slammed into mine, sending me careening to the side. My body twisted through the air, and I managed to maintain some semblance of control. Thankfully, I narrowly avoided colliding with a nearby tree, my shoulder grazing its rough bark as I landed in a roll. Despite the pain shooting through my body, I knew I had to stay in the fight. Breathing heavily and with my energy waning, I tried to focus, readying myself for another round against these formidable rogues. My muscles ached, and blood oozed from various cuts and bruises sustained during the melee. I cast a desperate gaze around, hoping for some sign of assistance from my pack. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, knowing I couldn't fend off the relentless assaults of these three dangerous rogues much longer. Just when despair began to creep in, a familiar sound reached my ears. Rustling leaves and twigs from the other side of the trees. Relief flooded my senses as I recognized the distinctive rhythm of footsteps. It was the Crimson Sun pack, coming to my aid. Despite my hoarse and pained attempts to call out for help, my voice was barely a whimper, and I could only manage to croak out faint cries.
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