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Kana left Heinard’s room in a rash. She was afraid that these feelings were going to block her mind and cause her to make mistakes again. She knew that Heinard was not same as that guy, and yet, she could not help but to be afraid. Even after all this time, she was still intimated by bad memories. She needed to focus on her mission again and keep her promise. She went to King’s chambers again to see him before they leave. It was easy to manipulate guards to enter without any commotion. “My Lady, what do I own this pleasure?” The King asked. “Is it the wise thing to send your only son to this dangerous mission? More than a son, your only heir, I should state. ” “I am sending my best warrior, my Lady. That is how I see it.” “Really, you and your crazy decisions never disappoint. But, this time, the danger is clear. Under any other circumstances, I would easily declare that I would protect your son. But against that creature, I am not sure.” The King looked displeased. “Since when Blood King have these worries? I trust my son and his abilities. He is a capable warrior. I also know who you are. Sending you there is the best option, and I will not have any regrets, not as a king, nor as a father.” Kana turned to the door and walked murmuring to herself. “What was I expecting from a crazy Ranorax, really, no change at all even after a millennium.” She went back to her room, took her stuff and walked outside. Arkhan and Helios were waiting in the gardens. Their wolves were also there, waiving their tales happily. “Are you ready Kana? Heinard will be here soon with a mage. Kalis Haimatron will join us beyond the gate.” Helios explained before Kana even asked anything. Kana nodded. “I see, good.” It did not take long for Heinard to show up along with a mage. “Everything is settled, Kalis is waiting for us so lets leave. Open the gate now.” He said to the mage. The mage bowed to him and started his spell. Kana did not miss that Heinard was avoiding her gaze. Was he mad at her for leaving him like that, perhaps… They entered the gate and arrived their destination, finding few man waiting for them. “Prince Heinard, welcome.” One of them said, giving him a bow. “Long time no see Kalis. We heard your great achievements at the borders, thank you.” Heinard answered. Kalis turned to Kana. “I just do what I am good at. My abilities led me to meet Blood king personally, so it seems I really do well.” Kana smiled, seeing the youngest son of Haimatron house was nice, she wondered how much he knew about everything but that was something she needed to find out later. “Thank you, young Lord. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Kalis got closer and took Kana’s hand, placing a kiss on it. “I heard that Blood King was a woman, but they never mentioned how stunning you were, My Lady.” Heinard glared at Kalis, he did not like how bold he was, similar yet different than Helios. Thankfully, Helios was good at changing the air. “I know right, I also told the same thing when I met Kana. Her beauty should have been more famous than her being the Blood King. Weird world, full of weird men…” Arkhan could not hide his smile, his friend could be obliviously funny. The other men also bowed. “It is our pleasure to see you, Prince Heinard.” Heinard thanked them and looked around, they were at a big base close to the border. All the men here were risking their lives to prevent anything getting closer to the inner lands. “Shall we get going now, Prince Heinard? We need to travel for two hours to reach the dangerous area.” Kalis said. “Yes, I do not want to lose any time. If you are ready, lets get going.” Heinard answered. Kalis pointed a white, beautiful wolf. “My Lady, I think you also need a wolf to travel. We prepared a company for that. This little beauty might be useful for you.” Kana walked closer to the big wolf, she was indeed very beautiful. “Hi beautiful. Don’t be afraid…There there…Will you accept me?” The wolf sniffled Kana’s reached hand and touched it with its nose. “Her name is Yemi. She is very fast and strong.” Kalis said caressing the wolf. “My wolf is strong enough for two. Another one will not be needed.” Heinard said, almost sulking that Kana was not going to ride with him. Kana laughed. “Do not take away this beauty from me, Prince Heinard. Don’t I deserve a new friend?” “Well, if you wish so.” Heinard said avoiding further comment. It was hard even for him to accept his disappointment to be apart from her. They started their ride without losing time, any delay would have put the soldiers nearer to the border in more danger. Yemi was very fast indeed, she was even keeping up with Raxin, together they were leading the others. Kana enjoyed her ride a lot and in less than two hours, they reached the borders where a smaller camping site was located. Kana looked over the land ahead, it used to be a beautiful and peaceful land. Now, she could feel the dark energy lurking around, as well as the sadness and fear. “How many men do you have in this location?” Kalis answered. “We have one-hundred man always ready on the borders, another hundred staying in this camp and another two hundred in the camp we left behind.” “That is more than usual number.” Heinard commented. “Because this area is considered very dangerous recently. We suspect a sudden attack. Since there is not any action now, first please let us show you your tents.” Kalis said. Two comfortable and luxury tents were prepared for Heinard and Kana. Arkhan and Helios were to stay together with other warriors in shared tents. “What, we are gonna stay apart? I want to stay together with Kana in this big tent.” Helios said half-whiningly. “Stop talking.” Arkhan shut his mouth with a little stone, hitting Helios’s chin. “Auch!” Helios held his chin. “Please rest well. If there is any change on the borders, we will be notified immediately.” Kalis said walking together with Helios and Arkhan. “You will stay in my tent together with me, Blood King. This is not the castle, I won’t allow you to stay out of my sight.” Heinard held Kana’s arm. “Will you really use your authority and stupid excuses to make me stay in the same room as you?” Kana held his hand that was holding her arm. “I gave my command, Blood King. You will follow it.” Heinard said without blinking an eye. Kana took his had away from her arm slowly, even though Prince was trying to keep it there still. “I will tolerate your rudeness only because of your bloodline, Prince. But do not push your luck.” Heinard watched her walk inside her own tent. He knew that forcing her by power was not really an option. “Damn it.” The bed was nice, they really did their best to make the tent comfortable, Kana thought. She did not want to be so rude to the Prince, but she was not going to be in that tent together with him, not when she started to feel an unwanted attraction to him. After a light snack, when she was barely asleep, she felt a sudden chill all over her body. She got out of the bed. In that second, Arkhan walked inside the tent. “You need to come.” She rushed outside, Heinard was there as well, together with Helios, Kalis and other warriors. “A dark energy passed the borders, we have to check it.” They summoned their wolves to reach the border as soon as possible. Warriors formed a special stance, keeping Heinard and Kana in middle, circling them while running. The Prince was strong indeed but his life was to be protected at all cost. Heinard yelled strongly. “If you feel any presence, alert us immediately before taking any action!” It did not take long before they reached the point of dark energy. All the soldiers were looking at the source with surprised faces but Kana new exactly what it was. Just as she suspected, the time had came indeed, she was going to end this thousand year old war finally. The dark energy possessor turned to Kana, it looked like a walking corpse. He showed a disgusting and with whatever muscle was left on the face. The creepy rotten eyes were fixed on Blood King and an eerie voice followed. “Kanariaaaaaa……”

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