Chapter 13-3

473 Words

Lacey’s lips twitched and she raised an eyebrow. Jones Redman had no idea that she was the last person who would need his or his men’s help. Relaxing her grip on the door, she calmly stared back into the man’s blank face. It was obvious he thought his looks would intimidate her. She wondered what he would think if he knew what some of the residents of Magic really looked like without their glamour. “Mr. Redman, I am not in trouble nor do I need you or your men’s assistance. I am trying to run an Animal Shelter. This is my business. You are interfering with it at the moment. My first concern is for the animal’s safety and comfort. Your men wandering through their home is the only thing troubling me at the moment,” Lacey calmly explained. She was about to add more when she saw a man pullin

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