1856 Words

AMELIA POV. “Something is not right.” I said as I sat restlessly in front of Lyker’s desk. Ryker still has not returned from the facility as he was desperately scouring the grounds in hope of picking up Malia’s scent. I know I should be out there too, but somehow, I felt as though I would be wasting my time. Wherever Malia has found herself, she was definitely not at the abandoned and now destroyed building anymore. “Of course, something is not right. This whole operation was a setup, and your sister is missing on top of that we can’t get hold of weasel, so he is the main suspect in it.” Lyker said as he went over the numerous papers on his desk, and I snorted. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. “Weasel was definitely involved. He was too nervous this time and he vanished as soon a

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