
1470 Words

Frankie: The rain fell softly, creating a silence in the house. Clyde said it happened here often… the rain, I mean. I guess he was used to it, but I wasn't, and it made everything feel magical and new. My darker half seemed to enjoy how it felt on her wings, and when she was ready to release control to me, we landed, stripped off, and changed clothes. But I still wasn't ready to be dry and cooped up in the mansion. I wanted to dance in the steadily falling rain, see the falls that rain fed into, and climb the mountains that seemed to keep this place from sinking into the water surrounding it. Clyde had Darcel distracted, and I snuck out with a smile on my face. The wet hair I never bothered to dry clung to my face as I ran through the forests covered in beds of wet moss. The trees

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