Chapter 7

1162 Words

Thursday morning, Ainslon adjusted her backpack as she walked down the sidewalk. The cool breeze refreshed her more than her morning shower. As long as rain wasn’t in the forecast, she preferred to walk to work. Getting in a bit of exercise never hurt anyone. She greeted familiar people along her route and fifteen minutes later, opened the door to Turn the Page. Justin waved at her from behind the counter. “Good morning.” She bounded over to him. “Morning.” He slid a cup of coffee toward her. As she walked around the counter, she slipped her backpack off, then took a sip of her coffee. Two sugars and a good amount of milk, the way she liked it. She eyed the papers laid out on top of the table. “What’s all this?” He clapped his hands together. “This is our plan for the next several stor

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