
2988 Words

'What absolute NONSENSE you do talk, Gordon! As though women were to blame for everything!' 'They are to blame, finally. Because it's the women who really believe in the money–code. The men obey it; they have to, but they don't believe in it. It's the women who keep it going. The women and their Putney villas and their fur coats and their babies and their aspidistras.' 'It is NOT the women, Gordon! Women didn't invent money, did they?' 'It doesn't matter who invented it, the point is that it's women who worship it. A woman's got a sort of mystical feeling towards money. Good and evil in a women's mind mean simply money and no money. Look at you and me. You won't sleep with me, simply and solely because I've got no money. Yes, that IS the reason. (He squeezed her arm to silen

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