Going with him

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Tara Pov I woke up to small hands caressing my cheek lightly, I smile knowing whose tiny hands belong to. "Hi, Bubu," I help my baby get on the bed but frowns when he sees Damon sleeping, he looks so peaceful and I signal Alex to stay quiet as I go do my assignment on my desk but still close enough to keep an eye on him, every time I look his way Alex gives me a mischievous look, I give him a warning look that he returns with a big cheeky grin I face time Isabella and Joshua for a while after finishing the paper I was working on, I look over to the boys again, this time my nephew is playing with the new toy I got him last week at the mall, he smiles waving. I love his smile, curly hair, and everything about him, he's simply perfect! I get back to talking to my friends while looking at my nephew who is poking Damon until he groans and slowly opens his eyes to look at him, he jumps from the bed, runs to me, and hides behind my desk, taking sneaky glances at a sleepy-looking Damon. " Morning," I greet standing up to get ready for the day, Damon smiles lightly at me before going past me to get on one knee and signal Alex to go closer to him but my nephew is acting all shy as he slowly goes to him. "Hello Alex," he greets and my nephew gives him a small smile, still hiding behind my legs. "Hi," he responds with a small wave, since when is he shy? he runs out of the room and Damon smiles at me, only then do I realize how handsome he looks with messy hair and all. " how was night?" he asks and I nod, it felt good in his embrace the whole night, it was indeed a goodnight. Damon leaves my room and I get ready for the day, I decided to go to the gym after handing in my assignments and project at the university. I greet some warriors and to my surprise Damon is waiting for me, leaning against his Lamborghini Veneno, damn he looks hot with sunglasses, his black shirt is a bit undone. f**k that is hot. Some students are already surrounding him, some girls purring and whispering among themself, boys admiring his silver shiny car, I go to him and he takes my hand, just what are we? We stare for a while but I constantly have to remind myself to look at his face, not the chest. I get in his car completely forgetting mine, i***t, " How was school?" He asks, I answer, I notice we are driving to my brother's company, I don't ask as he leads me to the top floor, his eyes trained on me the whole time and only did I realize am in my sports bra, he's looking at my chest with much desire, and I subconsciously lick my lower lip and that does it for him he walks up to me, attacking my lips and lifting me by my ass so my legs are around his torso, kissing me fiercely, his lips now on my neck, nibbling it, I moan loudly enjoying every second of it, his hot breath on my neck. "Tara," he whispers in my ear and it turns me on more, Damon is possessive and we make out hungrily in the elevator, we suddenly break apart when we hear a ding, I catch a breath as am trying to reconnect with reality and Damon is still holding me, he gives me one last peck before putting me down and walks to my brother's office, no words are spoken, my face is red as a beet. " hey bro, " I wave when we enter Elijah's office, to my surprise Victoria is here too, asking telling me to sit, I laugh as they finish what they called me here, I can't believe them! "Are you kidding me right now, Elijah," I boom standing up in disbelief, I can't believe they want me to send me away, yes I know I always wanted to go study there but I can't leave Alex and my brother that's why I decided to study here. " I can't leave you, and my Alex?" I ask but my brother comes to me, holding my shoulders gently and we sit on the couch. " I will explain to Alex and you can visit him on weekends, it's safer, Logan knows you're here," this is home, I just can't leave my family and friends. "I am safe here," I stomp my feet, I know such a child but don't judge me, I am used to being babied by my elder brother. "you will be safer in my territory, I promise I'd never let anyone harm you,” says Damon who answers coming close to me but I ignore him, so what, we kiss like two times now he thinks he knows what's best for me. " if I go with Alpha Damon who will tolerate my stupidity and childishness?" I hug my brother who laughs. Maybe this is good to stay away from home while they catch Logan but I know it will be harder now with him being alpha of rogue but still, if he wants me as bad as he says, he will find me somehow, I know that Damon is the big bad alpha and all but I also know how persistent that man can be? "love, this is for the best," I glare at Victoria, is she kidding me but my brother's woman always does what's best for our family and I nod at her, she always knows best, I am surprised she hasn't found Logan yet. I can come back home, it's not too far, it's the closest pack to ours plus I have always wanted to do my business management course there. After hours of arguing, I finally give in, my bags were already packed and my friends were waiting for me home. saying my goodbyes to my friends but we will keep in touch and they will be visiting if I don't come, having to explain to Alex why he won't be seeing much of me was hard but I did it and in the evening we leave for blood moon pack. Damon's driver came in last night so he is not driving, his eyes are fixed on his laptop, he works like Elijah in some way only that Eli gives me some attention. " Do you need anything?" he asks eyes still on his PC. " I am hungry," I tell him, I just want him to look at me at least but he just nods, I feel like getting his laptop and throwing it out of the car, why I am acting like this. " Charlie have you heard?" he asks his driver without taking his eyes off his laptop, who says yes. In a few minutes, he starts slowing the car down, that's when I notice we are in blood moon territory already, and as gorgeous as I remember it, the lights, tall building, roads, and bridges it's just like home the only difference is that this pack is bigger. we stop at some classy restaurant, Charlie opens the car door for us. I am now feeling unsure of my choice of clothes, I can see through the glass windows, everyone looks so elegant and here I am wearing ripped jeans, a crop top, and canvas with a denim jacket "let's go," he says taking my hand as we walk in people bow their heads to the Alpha and a waiter leads us to a private table then gives our menu while explaining the dishes to me and their specials. it's obvious Damon knows the menu by heart because he didn't even look at it before ordering some red wine, it makes me so horny is that weird? "I will have what he is having," I tell the young waiter who looks at me with a charming smile and checking me out, oh well he is not too bad looking and I enjoy flirting plus it's not like Damon is my boyfriend, we just shared a kiss and slept in the same bed. " Vince, are you going to stand here all night or what?" Damon growls lowly, so his name is Vince. he leaves. Damon and I talk a bit, he is taking Gin while I am having a glass of wine, soon our food comes he ordered steak and a salad, it looks appetizing and we immediately start to eat, it's so good, Damon puts light touch on my hand once a while and telling me about management and parts of the pack, it feels good "Let's go home," he says helping me out of my chair, he told me he has a house near the packhouse and that he lives with his younger brother, beta, and Lexi now me. when we reach it beautiful, a fountain in the middle of the mansion, and inside is great a huge living room, big white kitchen, entertainment room, next to a dining room "Tara!" Lexi rushes down the stairs to tackle me in a tight hug, " I am so happy you're here, we are going to have so much fun," she says pulling away, I give her a smile before nodding " Hey, Tara," Colt comes in with a smile, wearing oversize trousers and his black hair a mess, looks like he was training, he kisses my cheek, he does look like his brother with a chiseled face, green eyes the only difference is that he is the younger version of Damon. We talk and Lexi told me my room is on the third floor but hers is on the second one, I wanted to stay close to her, I try to convince them but they refuse, gosh. " No you stay on the third floor," Damon says in a stern voice leaving no room for Argument, my room is just next to his. So this is the Montez's floor huh cool, not different from my house really, Alpha's family is on the top floor "This is your room, like it?" asks Damon leaning against the door, I nod its huge, big queen-size bed, flat-screen, two glass doors leading to the balcony. There is a walk-in closet and my things are already sorted nicely clothes with new things? and an en suite bathroom. "I love it, thanks." Damon nods and lightly kiss my cheek goodnight ..... Morning sure comes early, I get up to do my morning routine, I decided to put on a black short Sundance dress and go for breakfast, I feel happy for some reason, Damon is so nice to me does he like me? and what is this feeling I am feeling? so confusing and the butterflies in my stomach when he is close or touches me. moon goddess I can't believe it's been a week already, I enrolled at the university already, we go there with Colt and I am never alone outside the house, it's either I'm with Lexi, who also studies business administration at the university with Colt and me. Sometimes I spend time with Charlie when I am not with Colt, Lexi, or Isaac, they are all so nice and amazing, I don't see Damon as much as I would like to though, he is always working, he leaves early and comes back late but he finds time to see me, I've only seen him three times since I got here but I know we are having breakfast together. "Morning beautiful," Colt greets joining me too "Someone looks ecstatic today I wonder why," he smiles looking down at his brother as he looks at us descend from the stairs, he looks so good in his black suit, I blush a little. "Morning handsome, good day huh," he looks confused but I take his hand and hurry downstairs. breakfast, as usual, is nice even though it is not Margret's. Damon is at the head of the table, am sitting on his right while Colt took the other end of the table, we eat and talk, Isaac and Lexi aren't here they had pack business to do We talk while eating and I tell them about Mr. Reynolds, our lectures. He and I aren't on good terms, thanks to Colt. Mr. Reynolds hates us for almost accidentally killing him. "What you almost forced medicine in his mouth when he was having a panic attack?" Damon asks in disbelief, in my defense I panicked, I didn't know how different those two are, I thought it was a heart attack! "You helped hold him down when he was spitting out the Meds," I say pointing at Colt but he looks at me with wide eyes "You told me to!" he says also pointing at me, poor Mr. Reynolds we would have killed him luckily his wife who is a lecturer at the university came just in time to tell us it's just a panic attack and it will pass, she was so shocked to see her husband being refrained on the ground by a strong werewolf Damon gets up to answer his phone leaving me with Colt still arguing usually. "baby!" a girl with brown hair and big boobs screams running towards Damon and kissing him passionately while he just stands there still processing, the girl's legs around his waist, his eyes find mine and he shakes his head.
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