Chapter 14

2218 Words

Isabelle turned her head towards Sofia so fast that she actually heard a creaking noise. The woman is demented! Crazy! Absurd! How could she possibly think of such things? "Splendid idea! I knew you married the right woman, Jon!" Delnard exclaimed not missing a beat.  He had already thought of that possibility, although, it was a bit frightening how easily he wanted to give up his bachelor status for this one girl he hardly even knew. But, Delnard had always trusted his gut feeling so he was willing to go all in. "Ah- the old out of the frying pan and into the fire plan, huh? That's quite an idea, sweetheart!" Jonathon replied but tried his best not to smile. "However, considering Isabelle wants to control her own destiny, marrying D here would certainly go against her plans." Sofia gl

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