Chapter 17

1640 Words

I quickly slipped back on my shirt and buttoned my pants. I ran into Gabriel's bathroom and smoothed my hair trying to look presentable. I couldn't believe what had just happened between Gabriel and I. Truth be told, I wanted all of it. Heck, truth be told, I wanted a whole lot more. But now that the heated moment was over, I was kind of glad it didn't go that far. I wanted Gabriel, there was no denying that. I just wasn't ready for that level of intimacy. I blushed remembering how good it felt when he touched me. Was it always like that? Or was it only like this with Gabriel?   I shook my head banishing my thoughts. I needed to go greet Gabriel's parents. I was extremely nervous. Did they know about my history? Would they like me? Or would they, like Jon, feel like I was more human than

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