1648 Words

“I cannot! I cannot wait as long as that! I have to see him this evening! “ She gave a little cry. “I can do that, as Mama and Papa are going to dinner with the High Sheriff and I have not been included in the invitation.” She turned to Rocana, “This is where you have to help me, dearest. You must ride over to The Grange and tell Patrick he is to meet me at our usual place. He had better not come here in case one of the servants tells Mama.” “No, of course not,” Rocana said, “but how shall we explain my absence if Aunt Sophie asks for me?” “Do you think she is likely to do that?” Rocana made a little gesture with her hands before she said, “She might easily suspect I am saying something to you about your wedding which I ought not to and so come in here to stop it.” Caroline knew t

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