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CHAPTER 3 I’m reading Annie the same Dr. Seuss book she’s heard five thousand times before. Whenever I pull it out, part of me expects Russel to tell me that he’d prefer it if our kids stuck to children’s Bibles or stories with strong moral instruction. Thankfully, he hasn’t taken my Seuss books away from us yet. Maybe he remembers they’re the first gift I ever purchased for his kids. Maybe my new husband has a hint of appreciation for the sentimental left in him after all. I like to do the voices while I read, which is guaranteed to get Annie off on a giggle spree. My end goal is to hear Andrew laugh. One of these days, I know it’s going to happen. I already told you I believe in miracles, right? I’ve performed these books so many times I let my mind wander off. Back to the first few

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