
805 Words
Sometimes I wonder what life could have been, what my life would have been. If the gods, now knowing there are such things, hadn’t chosen me, hadn’t chosen any of us. But then someone had to be chosen;it was inevitable. My family and friends would still be safe, and the lives of countless others wouldn’t be in danger. I’d be a lawyer, both beautiful and ruthless, married, with two children, a house on a hill with an ocean view by the late thirties. Countless sleepless nights, working and being the doting mother and wife. Oh, how I’d dared to dream of the “what if”. It’s the only thing keeping me sane, the only thing keeping me from abandoning the ones that have been called and giving up. But then, if it was all a dream, I wouldn’t have met him. Just thinking of the alternative, living without him, without knowing him, my life wouldn’t be complete. Turning eighteen was supposed to be a new journey in life, instead, it became an awakening. My true self has emerged after thousands of years, back in human form. A celestial being that lived among the stars as a reward from the gods for living in true light, in justice. And though I know who I am, I cannot abandon who I was. All these years, the sixth sense, the knowing facts from fiction, the ever so subtle foresight, has led me to this point. Micah says I must let go of this life to do what needs to be done, in order to truly become what I was meant to be; I undoubtedly disagree. The life before my awakening has prepared me, taught me what humanity was once more. To remember fear and know loss. I see what’s coming, the destruction he’ll bring, and the lives he’ll take. This earth doesn’t know what he means to do, though his reasons are unclear. They don’t have any inclination as to what awaits them in the days and months ahead. Two distinct futures are in my view, one that ends in peace and one that ends in chaos. No matter of time can prepare us for what we must do, and we have none to waste. His grand scheme was designed before descension. We and all the inhabitants of this world are merely pawns in his chess game. I can’t see if he means to rule or to simply destroy. I see it in the sinister smile he believes he’ll win, sure of it, and I’m not certain whether that’s not entirely true. His army is being built, glimpses of hundreds will soon grow into thousands. Every move and decision we make could either lead us to victory or an untimely and brutal death. Only one thing that stands true. We must stop or destroy him. Finding the others is the best plan we’ve got. All of us have awakened, but we have not all been found. It’s my job to find them, to see them. Of the fourteen, I’ve found three; Micah, Aya, and Laith, or rather they, by design, found me. I must find them all before he does. I must trust my senses harder and put all reservations to bed. We’re stronger together than apart, and we’ll need them all if we are to stand a chance. Finding the next celestial isn’t going to be easy. I can sense he doesn’t want to be found and the road it takes to get to him is a danger all on its own. We have to reach him before the serpent does. He means to turn him to his cause and, with all the anger, confusion and violence he has inside, that snake might just win. Tyran's anger is like a beacon, the damage he's causing is a straight path to his location. What if we can't persuade him? What if his rage is too difficult to manage? We can't take him by force. That's Micah's plan and not a good one. That would only do more harm than good. Hopefully, we will reach him soon, but not before I find another way. Fear sets in as we get closer. The ground is quaking beneath us. I watch in horror as buildings begin to fall and the screams of the people are too much to bear. All I want to do is run. But I can't. There's a loud thud and the quaking ground begins to crack. The earth shifts and rises as if bombs were exploding below. As we got near him, I froze. The serpent is there, watching the destruction as if he were guiding him. We're too late. I turned to see Aya and Laith reading to charge. I have to stop this. There is no way we can beat him, not now.
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