4. Episode 3.Three Musketeers

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***Micah*** I watched as she ran through the woods. I wanted to run after her. I needed to know she was okay, but I decided to let her go. She’ll call me when she’s ready. I traveled back to the secluded home in the hills, wondering why she didn’t remember. “She’s as beautiful as ever,” I let my mind wonder into the exquisiteness of her. “Micah!” I was met with a swift slap to the back of the head. “What the hell is wrong with you? Where have you been? You just ran out on us in the middle of training!” I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat at the bar. I really wasn’t in the mood for a lecture. “Sorry, Aya. Justice’s bond called me, and I just...” “Bolted, as usual. Last go round I remember clearly that that bond of yours is what got you killed.” Aya was right. The last awakening, I was quick to rush into danger and paid the price. Aya, Laith and I have been awake for a half century waiting for her arrival. Gathering intel and resources. How the three of us found each other was nothing other than fate. Laith’s grandfather owned a large security and tech company Omni Corps. When his father passed, he ran the company for a few years until question about his appearance started to raise issue. Given the fact he’s much older than he looks. It’s the same for us all. Laith and I met in junior high and became instant friends. Laith is tall and naturally muscular, solid build. His dark olive tone worked well with the ladies. His father married an African American woman, not a common thing for the times, but her beauty was unparallel. The only resemblance he had to his father was his eyes. My father was an executive banker, and my mom owned a floral shop in New York City. Surprisingly my parents had no issues with Laith and I being as close as we were, though I believe it had to do with his father’s wealth. Our first semester at Columbia University is where he ran into Aya Zora. She was a history major and a feisty one. She was absolutely gorgeous. Dark smooth skin, deep brown eyes and jet-black hair that flowed like the wind. She didn’t have much height to her, but her confidence and fierceness made her as tall as a giant. She and I bickered constantly. I believe she just liked to see the fury within my brows. One summer we vacationed to Greece. Aya, just had to see Olive T ree of Vouves. It was there we emerged with all the lives of our former selves. Normally, we’d all wake in pairs. Justice and I were always first. She was the beacon that drew us in. I was the fierce leader, and she was always by my side. This time around I’ve decided to let Laith take charge. He’s much more levelheaded than I am. “Suppose she was being forced to summon you? Did you ever think that I could be a trap. You left here without backup. All the training and the things we’ve done to get here could have been lost because you just had to be a hero.” “Well, it wasn’t trap, so I’d appreciate if you backed off!” I could feel the heat rising from my palms. “Back off! Are you even listening to what I’m saying? Do you even care!” She was screaming at this point, and I’d had enough. I threw the beer bottle, clear across the room and into a wall. I only missed her face by an inch or so. I knew what was next. She began to leap at me, but she was stopped in her tracks. “That’s enough Zora, Laith had her in his grasp. “You’ve made your point. We don’t have time to bicker amongst ourselves now that Justice is awake.” He never called her by her first name. She liked it, like a military soldier. I tried calling her that once and she nearly chewed my head off. I expression of worry rested on my brow. I needed another drink. This time I poured a glass of scotch. Laith let Aya go. They both peered at me with eyes of confusion. “What are you not telling us Mike?” Laith’s voice came to a low roar. “You felt the bond, she summoned you to her, that means she’s awake.” “Well, she not okay!” “What the hell are you talking about? I don’t understand.” “I went to her. I thought she was in danger; I felt her fear. She was in the middle of the woods in some sort of trance. When I snapped her out of it, she didn’t know who I was. Well not entirely.” “Well don’t stop now, I want to know just how screwed we are.” Aya was beginning to irritate me. I turned to her and gave an expression of rage. She threw her hands up and gestured for me to continue. “Justice isn’t completely herself. She knows who I am, she said as much, but something is not right with her.” Picking up the bottle, I poured another drink. I didn’t understand what was happening. So how was I to explain this. Every time we arrived we always knew each other. I could feel the frustration radiating from Aya, but even they know this awakening is different. We shouldn’t have emerged without our beacon. Without Justice. Laith rounded the bar and took a glass for himself, pouring a double shot. “Micah, what exactly happened? We need details if we’re going to figure this out. We’ve already been here without her and now that she’s emerged, we face certain danger. Drakon will be after her.” “You don’t think I know that. Listen, I felt her call, when I arrived she was out of it. When she came to she thought I was stalking her.” “I told you it was a bad idea to crash her party”, Aya’s smug response wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but she wasn’t entirely wrong. “Okay, you’re right! Might I continue?” She just shrugged. Giving her the satisfaction of being right was enough for her ego to shut up. “At one point she recognized me, even called me by name, but she believed it was from a dream of some sort. I tried to explain but she ran off, right after telling me she’d have me thrown in jail.” Laith said nothing as he poured himself another double and Aya’s laughter could be heard for miles. I could feel the flames dancing in my eyes. Before I knew it I was standing in front of her and with ease her knife was at my throat. Laith didn’t move an inch. “I dare you?” Was all she said as I tried to calm my rage. “Micah, let her be. We don’t have time for petty squabbles.” I eased away. I knew he was right. If we don’t figure out what’s going on with Justice, Drakon will kill us all. “When you say she was out of it, what exactly was she doing?” “She was on the ground. Her eyes were white, and she wasn’t moving.” “Maybe she was in a trance. If she knew your name, she must be coming into herself, but something is stopping her. Maybe I should try and speak with her.” “You could try, but I don’t see what good that will do. The woman practically gave me a full life sentence in the big house!” “Well, you did just show up to her party and then again in the woods. I’d be frightened too. Especially if you’re speaking about things that aren’t in my reality. I’ll figure out how to approach the situation. For now, Zora will watch her from a distance while I work on a plan. You try to stay clear of her in the meantime. We don’t need any more obstacles.” “If she calls to me again…” “If she calls you will do nothing. If she summons you while she’s in a trance again, it will be more of the same.” I bowed my head in defeat. The thought of her needing me and I ignored her. What if something happened to her and I wasn’t there to stop it? She doesn’t know what she’s capable of yet or how to protect herself. There’s no way I’m staying away. “I’ve been keeping tabs on Drakon’s movements. It seems he’s sending some of his men to Mexico. There have been unusual quakes in Sinaloa. They are preparing to leave within a few weeks. Micah, you will go as well. Gather as much intel as you can. And while you’re there, stay out of trouble!” “I’m not going anywhere. Do you honestly think I’m going to leave her here unprotected?” “She won’t be defenseless. Zora would be guarding her. She’s more than capable of handling anything that comes her way. Besides, maybe a little danger might bring her to her senses.” “I’m not going, Laith!” Send Aya on the mission to Mexico and I’ll keep Justice safe.” “Absolutely not! Have you forgotten you gave up your right to lead? Have you forgotten the last time you heeded her calls of danger? You’ve learned nothing. I will speak to her, and you will figure out what the serpent is up to. Is that clear?” I knew he was right. I’m reckless when it comes to Justice. My feelings for her always seem to cloud my judgment. This time has to be different. “I was right to allow you to take the lead”, I took in a deep breath and placed my hand on Laith’s shoulder, “I’ll go.” “Don’t worry Micah, it will all be fine. We’ll figure this out before it’s too late.”

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