Chapter 1: Beefsters and Puckheads-4

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Auggie sat across from Jax inside the booth, huffed, and immediately said, “I’m in a pickle.” “What kind of pickle?” Auggie waved a paw at his friend and said, “Mr. Tyler Reese, my intern for the upcoming fall semester, is adorable. I couldn’t stop ogling him at our first meeting. He’s absolutely beautiful.” “He’s just a boy, though, Auggie. He’s what…twenty-two?” Auggie shook his head. “Twenty-three. But he looks like he’s thirty-two. He’s bald, big, and brazen. I’m usually not into military men, but that’s what he looks like.” “Big as in muscular or overweight?” “Muscular. He works out four times a week. His eyes are dark brown, and he has scruff on his cheeks and chin. Just the merest glance at him caused my d**k to go hard.” “He sounds like a bear.” “Could be. I didn’t get a look at his chest, though. I don’t know if it’s hairy or not.” A waiter came up to their booth, and Auggie ordered a shot of whiskey and whatever Jax was drinking. The icy-haired waiter took the order and vanished from the table. Auggie leaned across the table and watched Jax click his cellphone’s screen a few times, navigated to a social media page, and came across a Tyler Reese from Eastwind, Pennsylvania. A handsome and rugged bald man with Italian-colored skin and dark eyes stared at Auggie. Tyler’s smile was infectious and kissable for all the right reasons. Auggie was right. Tyler looked ten years older. Jax held the phone out for Auggie to take a gander. “Is this the guy?” Auggie nodded. “My heart flutters for that man. I’m not going to get any work done this fall with him under me.” Jax laughed. “That was a Freudian slip.” Auggie winked at him, clicking on a few pics of the future English teacher, studying the stud. His mind raced in seven directions of what he could do with the young man, desiring him, and confessed to Jax, “I have the potential of corrupting him.” “Don’t mix business and pleasure, Auggie. It never works out.” Auggie nodded, sighed, and handed Jax’s phone back to him. “I’ll keep my d**k in their chinos. My career is important to me, and I don’t want to jeopardize my position.” “Good boy.” Jax took a sip of his drink. “And don’t forget about your relationship with Marc.” Auggie rolled his eyes. Marc Dunning was a cheating s**t. The forty-year old couldn’t keep his c**k out of any guy’s mouth or ass. Being an investment banker and working with wealthy clients, most of which were queer men, Marc had cheated on Auggie approximately seven times in the last fourteen months. He averaged one man every two months, wining, dining, and diddling the guys, one by one, and having a so-called long-term relationship with Auggie in the interim. “Trust me. Marc is too involved with his money-whores instead of me.” “But you’re his balance and reasoning.” Auggie shook his head. “That’s the biggest bullshit I’ve heard today. Both of us know Marc enjoys his wealthy clients over me. I’m a high school teacher and have zilch in a savings account. My checking account has two hundred bucks in it. Marc likes money and an assortment of men to go along with it. I know for a fact that he’s not into me.” “It almost sounds similar to my situation.” Auggie huffed and rolled his eyes. “Birds of a feather flock together, right?” “They do.” “Marc is a snake, cheat, and a liar. If he doesn’t think for a second that I know he’s dipping his c**k into a client, or two, or three, then shame on him. The guy never wants to f**k around with me.” “The unfortunate lives of cheaters and lovers.” Jax raised his rum and Coke for a toast, which Auggie obliged. Clicking his glass to Auggie’s, Jax added, “I believe Will is currently f*****g a baseball pitcher this summer.” Auggie raised his gaze with interest. “It isn’t Nathan Maddox, is it?” It was Jax’s turn to nod. “Of course. The two have had three meetings this week alone and…” “You mean they’ve had three f**k sessions, right?” “I do. And they’ve been out to dinner twice.” Auggie chuckled, pointed a finger at his best friend, and said, “You’ve been following him, haven’t you?” “Let’s just say I’ve seen things I shouldn’t have seen.” Surprised, Auggie asked, “Do you mean c**k and ball action?” “And everything in between.” “Do you have it on video?” “Enough to confront him.” They had three drinks together and decided not to eat dinner, enjoying their cocktails, the summer music, and the lounge’s comfort. Eventually, Auggie asked, “When did you see Will last?” “Over the weekend. Just a few days ago.” “Did you sleep with him?” Jax shook his head. “I’m sure he has other men to do that with, particularly his pitcher.” “And you’re okay with that?” Jax continued to shake his head. “I don’t know what I’m okay with, to tell you the truth. It is what it is. I can’t make Will like or love me. We’re living two separate lives now.” “You have a f****d-up relationship with him. He uses you to get off when he wants to and obtains companionship from you when it’s only good for him.” “You might be right.” “Did you talk to Longfellow this week?” Auggie knew that Dr. Ariel Longfellow was Jax’s psychiatrist, whom Jax usually visited once a week, coveting the woman’s professional time with him. Auggie also knew that Longfellow was a sixty-six-year-old gem with liberal views and had supplied Jax with tools of reaching sanity on numerous occasions. “She and I talk about this all the time. She told me that I should break up with Will.” “And when is this breakup going to happen?” “The next time I see him,” Jax said confidently. He took another sip of his drink. “And when are you going to breakup with Marc?” Auggie chuckled, feeling buzzed. His vision blurred, but he didn’t give a s**t, enjoying his liquid dinner with his bestie. “As soon as he comes around and sniffs out s*x. I’ll drop the bomb then.” They made a toast to breaking up with their men, talked more gossip, and concluded their evening with a hug, a kiss on each other’s cheeks, and goodbyes.
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