Chapter 5: The Diarist and Writer Exhausted after his digital uploading, Jax sat at his kitchen table and retrieved the letter from Carlton again. Tucked behind the short prose was a five-page story titled The Diarist. Jax saw that the newest piece of short fiction was single-spaced and in two parts. With a cup of coffee in one hand and Carlton’s wordy concoction in the other, he sat on the balcony that overlooked the city, crossed his legs, relaxed, and read: * * * * The Diarist By Carlton Scarborough Dedication: To my friend from afar, Jaxford Acknowledgment: To Saul, for all of his valued comments 6:02 A.M. July 16, 20— Milton, Pennsylvania Jackal was writing in his diary again instead of working on his latest book of short poetry. The sun had just peeked along the horizon, an