How dare he kiss her?

1204 Words

Stalker (First person perspective) How dare this strange man kiss my Neha! I don’t understand what Neha sees in him. He is not even that good looking. There is something shifty and shady about him. I can’t trust him. Neha shouldn’t trust him either. Who knows where he comes from and what he is running from? He could be a criminal from another country escaping the law. He could be a rapist. Why did Neha agree to go out with him? How could she do this to me? She should be with me! Not with this stranger. She has only met him twice and she is now going out with him. This will not do.  Neha is mine. She will always be mine. I have been watching her for so many years. Following her. Making sure no other men bother her or gets a chance with her.  Once, there was this man from her office who

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