Where is Jaden?

2013 Words

Nila K The front desk supervisor relented and let her watch the CCTV when she threatened to call the police. They are in the CCTV security room, replaying the recording from the evening. They replayed the time that the record showed someone took the card. It was around 10pm, about 15 minutes after she checked in.  It was a stranger who had picked up the spare key to her room. It was a man she has never seen before. He looked normal, well dressed even. He is a middle aged man, wearing a suit and was well groomed. In fact, he looked like a businessman. Nothing about him scream ‘stalker’ but then one can never know based on looks alone.  “I don’t know this man, I can’t believe you give an extra key card to a stranger!” she exclaimed. “Let me see who picked up my boyfriend’s extra key,” she

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