She is mine

1353 Words
Perspective: The Stalker The stalker sat at a corner in the cafe staring at their target. Neha Khoo. The gorgeous popular Neha Khoo who turned heads wherever she goes. Hers is an effortless beauty who does not put on fake airs as if she is above everyone else. Neha Khoo, unlike other beautiful women, is humble and kind without an ounce of arrogance. She helps everyone around her, even the stalker who is a nobody.  The stalker had always watched Neha on the sidelines. The gorgeous and talented Neha who had won art competitions in school and yet, instead of going to an art school, had become an accountant.  The stalker had harboured hopes that one day, Neha will be theirs but it was not meant to be then. Neha was almost within their reach but she got away. Still, the stalker is not impatient. They will bide their time. One day, Neha will be theirs. All they needed to do was to keep watching their precious love from afar. The stalker had plenty of time. Plenty of resources.  They noticed Neha had started drawing again and was glad. Their beloved Neha is now doing what she loves. This is a good sign that Neha never forget her first love and can go back to what they love and where they belonged.  It doesn’t matter that Neha is now far away from home. The stalker has time. The stalker will travel to the ends of the earth for Neha. Everything that they do now is for Neha. They will sacrifice everything in their life for Neha. Even the fortune they inherited will belong to Neha if the woman so much as asked for it.  The stalker watches as Neha drew on her sketchbook, her face full of concentration as she focused on the lines she created. Neha is sitting all alone in the cafe. Her annoying friend, Cindy, was no where in sight.  A tiny smile curled on the stalker’s lips. Neha is so gorgeous. The stalker is sure that Neha will be theirs soon once Cindy is gone. The stalker knows Cindy will not be here with Neha for long. That annoying Cindy will be going back home to Kuala Lumpur soon, leaving Neha to the stalker. The stalker could not wait for the moment when Cindy leaves and Neha is all alone. They can make their move then. Neha has no one here in Penang. It would be easy to entice her and win her over.  Just as they continued to watch the unsuspecting woman sitting there drawing on her sketchbook, a tall and handsome man sauntered over to Neha.  “NO! Stay away from my Neha!” the stalker thought. They grasped the fork on the table that they had used to eat a slice a cake and tightened their grip on it. The stalker looked around. There are too many people in the cafe. They forced themselves to let go of the fork and took a calming breath.  “It is alright. It is probably just some stranger asking for directions,” the stalker told themselves but still, they watched the handsome Caucasian man speaking to Neha carefully. Neha had introduced herself as Nila K.  The stalker smiled. They remembered that artist’s name Neha had used. Neha had used it a long time ago, back when she was a teenager and refining her artistic skills. The stalker is now confident that Neha is trying to get rid of the man by giving him a fake name. All is well. Neha is a pure woman who will not fall for any random man. Their Neha is beyond reproach and at the pinnacle of her womanhood. She is the embodiment of perfection.  The stalker sat there and watched quietly. A scowl formed on their face when the man, who had introduced himself as Jaden Forest, gestured for Neha to follow him and she did. The stalker is alarmed. This is so unlike Neha to follow a strange man. Who knows what nefarious schemes he is planning? The stalker prepares to leave and gathered their things, careful not to be too obvious in following Neha and the man. The stalker followed them to an art gallery where Neha met with an elderly man, probably the gallery owner. Then they went into the office. The stalker decided not to enter the gallery since it was empty. It would be too obvious. So, they hang around outside near the cafe, pretending to look at the view and the sky. Pretending to take selfies and pictures of the street and buildings. The stalker is very adapt at pretending. The stalker has blended in and disappeared in the shadows among crowds and in any location easily. The stalker knows no one actually notices them and they like it this way.  All the way easier to follow their Neha. All the way easier to watch Neha wherever she goes. When Neha left her home in the middle of the night, the stalker was there. Waiting. Outside Neha’s home. The stalker had easily followed the two women. Cindy’s driving skills was nothing compared to the stalker. The stalker had easily tailed them all the way to Penang without a problem. The stalker had even taken up a room in the same hotel. It was too bad the stalker didn’t get a room at the same floor as Neha. But being in the same hotel was good enough. It was easy enough to break into Neha and Cindy’s room to plant listening devices. The stalker is good at that. The stalker wants to make sure they know every plan that Neha had.  When Neha left the art gallery in a hurry, the stalker was curious. The stalker wondered why Neha was blushing. Did the gallery owner do something to her? Did that Jaden person do something to her? The stalker felt bad for not keeping a close watch. They had been remiss in watching over Neha. They had taken too much pleasure in taking selfies and posting it up on their social media account, just like every other millenial out there. The stalker quickly followed Neha back to their hotel. The stalker went back to their own room and tune in to listen to what Neha and Cindy have to say about the little gift they had left behind. They had waited till the front reception desk was busy before dropping the note and flower behind the counter with a post-it note instructing them to hand-deliver it to Neha in Room 211 along with a $50 tip. The front desk staff did not even see the stalker putting it there. The stalker knew that with the heavy tip, the front desk staff will personally bring it up to Neha.  The stalker was not pleased when they hear Cindy reading out the note meant for their precious Neha. How dare Cindy! The numbers 444 were the secret numbers between the stalker and Neha! What does that crass Cindy knows! How dare she call it an unlucky number!  If that Cindy does not leave soon, the stalker may have to think of ways to get rid of the meddlesome woman. The stalker never liked Cindy. The stalker finds her too loud, and too close to their beautiful Neha. The stalker does not like anyone who is too close to Neha. Not even her teenage brother. At one point, the stalker had considered getting rid of the brother instead of the dog. The stalker hates dogs. Neha’s dog had barked at the stalker one too many time and it had to go. The next one to go would have been her brother if she had not run away to this island. The stalker likes this island.  The stalker believes it is the perfect place to settle down with their precious Neha. The stalker believes Neha loves the roses and notes from them. Her reactions in receiving those is probably to hide her actual feelings. The stalker knows one day, Neha will fall in love with them.  They will be together forever.  Soon. 
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