
Beautiful Hearts

friends to lovers
slow burn

Emaline - smart, beautiful, caring, and dreaming of becoming a teacher.

Declan - The school's most popular boy but not your typical jock.

The two began to get to know each other and became friends when Em became the tutor of Declan's little brother - Austin who has dyslexia.

Everything would have been simple if Lana, Em's cousin, hadn't taken the stage. On the surface, she is just like her friends - beautiful, popular, and rich.

But she has a secret...

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Emaline POV The slamming door woke me up. I reached for the nightstand and picked up my phone. It was seven-thirty am. I moaned, tossed the phone on the bed, and buried my head in the pillow. It's been the same every morning since my Aunt Sophie and Lana moved in. We had been living together for almost a year now and we constantly had to listen to my cousin Lana's rants. I reconciled that was all the sleep I was going to get and got up lazily from the bed. I wasn't of the early risers. I was more of an owl, especially during the holidays when I slept until later. But with Lana in the house, it was unattainable. It was nice to have my aunt and uncle here, but I didn't get along with Lana. We hadn't seen each other in years, as they lived on the other side of the country. My aunt and I talked often online, but Lana refused to join. When they came to stay with us temporarily, from the moment she saw me, she pursed her lips as if seeing something unpleasant, greeted me quickly and that was pretty much all the conversation we had. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and then dried my hair. I brushed my teeth and did my make-up while I was still inside. Not that it was useful. I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. My face was fluffy and round. I had to lose over sixty-six pounds. I grimaced at my reflection and returned to my bedroom. I took the sheet of paper I had left on the desk and read again what I had to eat for the day. It was my first day trying the diet that my aunt has given me. Breakfast: Yogurt with oatmeal Water with the juice of a lemon Coffee I cringed. But I have promised myself that this last year would be for changes. I had support from my dad and our relationship was great. I had school and I loved it, I had excellent grades and I was having fun making them. I already got a job from the learning center I signed as a volunteer. Everything else was perfect, the only downfall was my overweight body. I just didn't like it. Yes, I love myself, but I needed a change in my appearance. I was seventeen and I never had a boyfriend. I mean I had, but platonically, when I was younger. I just was too fixated on my body. In any other area I had confidence, but when it comes to appearances and relationships… I suck. I stared at my reflection again. I had short angled lob pink hair. My features were ok, my nose was nice, my lips were not too thin, not too thick. My eyes were brown. But I liked their shape the most. I wonder what my body will look like when I finish with the diet. I've been overweight for so many years now that I haven't seen myself in any other way. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. The breakfast was served already. Aunt Sophie looked at me apologetically. "I know that you're starting today, but Lana wanted eggs and bacon and I couldn't refuse her, given that she never eats breakfast properly." I knew exactly why she wanted to eat that today. I couldn't figure out what kind of person you must be to do such kind of tricks to your own cousin. I kissed her on the cheek. "No worries, I'm going out anyway!" My dad was sitting at the table, reading on his laptop. He put his glasses down and looked at me. "Where are you heading so early, cupcake?" Lana chuckled at the nickname my father used and I rolled my eyes. I bent down and kissed him on the cheek too. "I have something to do. You're not the only one busy around." My father grinned and returned to his laptop. I had to meet Connie at 10, so that meant I had two hours free. I was going to the library to prepare for the meeting with the student from the learning center at 2 pm. When I got there, I looked at the publications related to dyslexia. Austin, the student I'm gonna be helping, has dyslexia. I wasn't sure what it was before they signed me to him as his tutor. I was told by the teachers in the center that Austin was not doing well with his school lessons. He has difficulty writing some letters, reading comprehension, abstract concepts. The moment I left the center after I was told about it, I googled dyslexia and was reading about it the whole day. I looked over every article on the net related to dyslexia and even bought some materials. And since I had some free time today, thanks to Lana, I decided to take a look at what's in the library. Not that I expected to find something that can't be found on the net, but since I had to fill the hours... I pulled out a more practical book and started taking notes. I didn't learn anything new, but It was better to be in the library, than in the same room with Lana. At 9:30 I was already walking to the cafe where I had a meeting with Connie. I opened the door and the smell of donuts engulfed me. My stomach churned and I remembered that I hadn't eaten my breakfast for today. Connie was already there, sipping her frappe as usual. "Hey, what's up!" I slid into the booth, squeezing my stomach as much as I could. "Hey, I ordered you a cappuccino." "Thanks." I put my backpack next to me and started drinking. "I have to tell you my secret, I came here earlier, so I could eat my favorite donut without tempting you." I laughed, but I was kind of annoyed. This was one of the unpleasant things when you were on a diet. Everyone feels responsible for your success and they look into your hands and mouth, watching for mistakes. Or they hid when they ate or drank, so you don't lose control and pounce on them. Even Lana annoyed me not because she was going to eat in front of me, but because of the intention behind her actions. "At least you had the decency to eat it alone. Lana never eats breakfast, but today she asked aunt Sophie for bacon and eggs." I rolled my eyes and immediately felt guilty, as always when I spoke badly about Lana. We didn't get along and I didn't like her, but she was my cousin and I loved my aunt and uncle Fred. "That b***h hates you in the gut." "I know, but I can't figure out why." "I think it's because of your money." When I raised my brow mockingly, she said, "Ok, your father's money. She's a friend of the richest and popular at school. Maybe she wants to be like them." I cringed and we both laughed. Lana's friends were not to our liking. I knew you didn't talk like that about someone you didn't know. You shouldn't judge them without knowing them and blah, blah, I know I was a hypocrite, but their snobbery and limited thinking could be seen from miles away. I had to remind myself that I also suffered from people's hasty assessments because of my appearance though. We talked some more, mostly about Connie's next performance at the new school year opening. She was a great singer. It had become a tradition for students to organize something special for the opening of the year, and Connie was invited to sing for a second year. When I saw that it was 12, I quickly said my goodbyes and run to the center. From 12 and 30 I was enrolled in an Introductory course for working with students. It was free and mandatory for volunteers at the center. I couldn't wait to start working with Austin. According to the program, I had an hour to work with him, but I planned to stay until later, if necessary. I hope we'll get along, cause this is going to help with the lessons. The Introductory course went really well. I was surprised by how nice it was and that it was actually useful. When we finished, I quickly ate my diet lunch, which was a salad with cheese, and then ran for the room that was assigned to us. I saw through the glass that Austin and his companion were already inside, and I hurried. The program manager told me that Austin was usually accompanied by his older brother because their mother was in poor health. I opened the door and went inside, and a smile immediately appeared on my face. "Hey, you must be Austin. I'm gonna help you with the school." Austin stood up and shook my outstretched hand. I was so focused on him that I didn't pay attention to his brother. When I turned to shake his hand too, surprise appeared on my face. Declan Moore? "Declan Moore. I'm sure we've met before..." He frowned intently. "Emily?" "Emaline" "Oh, I'm sorry." He shook my hand, still smiling friendly. It was strange to sit in the same room with the boy who was the most liked and popular boy at school. And with which we had not exchanged a word, because we were moving in different circles. "Well, Austin, I understand you have dyslexia?" He just shrugged and looked at his hands. It was obviously not one of the pleasant topics of conversation for him. "It's ok. It won't affect our sessions. This meeting is just for getting to know each other. We won't study, so I want you to smile and relax." I turned to Declan. "The policy of the center is for the companion to attend the child's first lesson, if desired, of course. We are also assigned two meetings of 1 hour each a week. But if necessary, we will stay longer. In principle, the lessons are held here, but we have the right to hold our meetings elsewhere, as long as you, as his companion, agree. If I ever decide to change the place of my meeting with Austin, we'll talk first. Will you give me your phone number so I can contact you if Austin needs it?" I blushed, realizing how I sounded. He was looking at me with amusement. His eyes were green, his hair short and black. He was handsome. Of all people in the popular circle, the circle in which he and my cousin Lana moved at school, only he was nice to me. They were all arrogant and ignorant, but he always made a good impression on me. He was Connie's boyfriend some time ago. They broke up shortly after I started befriending her. For a long time, she could not overcome him, but she said only good things for him. Unlike the others, I have never received mocking smiles and jokes from him, nor have I seen him choose victims with whom to pick on for no reason. Now he was dictating his number to me. "Did you write it?" "Yes, thanks, I'm gonna use it only for Austin-related matters, promise." I tried to joke because I knew that all the girls at school were trying to take his number, but even in my ears, it sounded silly. He raised an eyebrow and grinned, and I hurried to look at Austin and focus on him. "Tell me more about yourself, Austin? What kind of games do you like to play?" Previously anxious, his face now glowed and he began to tell me enthusiastically about the games he was playing. I thought it was important to know what a child loves so that you can use the information when you need it for the learning process. And who doesn't like to talk? That's how we broke the ice. Our meeting lasted about 15 minutes, during which I explained in detail to Austin and his brother what awaited us. We specified that the main thing I would do was to help him with the homework and if there was time left, we would do a complete revision of the lesson. I blushed at least 100 times during the meeting, which was silly because Declan wasn't my type, and I finally concluded that I was clearly no different from the majority of girls and that his popularity affects me after all. As I left, I shook their hands again and hurried out of his sight. I have never been as self-conscious as I was at this meeting. My brain was really a mess, as the presence of a cool boy could bother me so much. It was obviously a combination of cool looks, popularity, and manners. I was coming home, but I couldn't resist and call Connie. "Hey! How was the lesson?" "That's why I'm calling you. You won't believe who was at this meeting." "Who?" "Declan Moore." She was silent for so long that I thought she had hung up to me. "No way!" "I'm telling you! I'm gonna tutor his brother." "He has a brother?" "Yeah. And what do you mean? You've dated him for four months and you don't know he has a brother?" "Yeah, he didn't talk much about his family. I only know about his mother. Anyway, why do you tell me this? You know how much I like him. I don't want to think or talk about him and now every time you have a lesson, I would wonder if he was there too." "I'm sorry. I just thought how bizarre it was that at school we were like strangers and here we were, sitting in the same room, talking to each other." I felt pathetic telling her that, given that she was his girlfriend once and probably did way more than talking to him. "Em, you're always saying that popularity doesn't matter and that you don't like these guys?" "I don't. But I guess my insecurities are calling out." I ended the conversation, which had become awkward for me, and kept walking home. Around 4 pm was usually the training of the cheerleaders. It was an opportunity to go home and sleep without Lana being around. As I approached the house, I saw that Lana had not yet left, as her friends were just arriving to pick her up. I sighed inwardly. Just my luck. As I walked to the door, I heard the familiar shouts and grunts. Their laugh followed me till I entered my house. Lana stopped just before she was about to bump at me. She was dressed nicely. Her flat stomach was visible under her crop top. Her blonde hair was long and wavy and perfectly stylish. "Watch all you want, If it's gonna be a motivation for you. This is how a lady should look like, Emaline. Not like you..." She winked at me and stepped outside, smiling. As I was climbing the stairs, I received a message from Declan Moore. "Hey, do you mind If we move your session with Austin for earlier tomorrow?" I stopped and began to answer. "Sure, no problem! What time?" "Around noon? twelve-thirty?" "Ok, twelve-thirty. See you soon." I wanted to kick myself in the back. See you soon? Really, Emaline? Like it was a date… I climbed the last steps to my room, slammed the door, and threw the phone on the bed. I took off my clothes and lay down, picking up my phone again. Declan had returned a message. "See ya :)" I grinned. Then I scolded myself. What are you grinning at, Emaline, he was just being polite…? I started scrolling my social media and soon my eyes closed. I woke up two hours later and went downstairs to get a glass of water. "Em, aren't you ready?" I looked at her puzzled. "For what, Aunt Sophie?" "Aren't you going to that party Lana is preparing for? She said it was for the start of the new school year, and all your classmates would be there." I rolled my eyes without her seeing me and opened the refrigerator to get the water. I poured into a glass as I explained myself. "Aunt Sophie, this is a gathering that Lana's friends go to." "So what? Aren't her friends yours too?" There was no way she could understand. "I'm tired anyway. I'm not going anywhere." She sighed and put her hands on her hips. "Emaline, before we came here, every time we talked, you were telling me that you go out often, that you have a lot of friends. We have been living together for a year and I have never heard of you going to a party. How is it possible?" "Auntie, I don't..." "Lana!" I panicked when she called her. My cousin came dressed for a party and with a sullen face. "What now?" "What are you wearing?" "Mom! I told you, everyone dresses like that! It's not a big deal!" "Change your skirt with something that will at least cover your bottom. And Emaline is coming with you." "What ?! No way!" "What does that mean? She's coming!" "Mother, she's not invited... What should I tell my friend?" "That you're not going too, If your cousin is not welcome there!" Lana's eyes were throwing daggers at me. I tried to get out of this. "I really don't feel like going. Lana should go by herself. We'll go out together some other time, auntie." "Lana, go upstairs to change. You can use your time more productively anyway." Lana looked angry but also defeated. "No, we're going." She examined me from head to toe. "Go put something... Just put something else." "I'm not going anywhere tonight." "Em, why don't you want to go out with Lana? She's your cousin and you barely spent time together?" My father looked at me with his pleading eyes and I surrendered. "I'm going to change." I turned to Lana. "It won't take long." I went upstairs wondering what the hell I'm going to wear, feeling Lana's murderous look on me.

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