Chapter 1

2140 Words
Chapter One Mia Takashi descended from the ramp of the plane and made her way towards baggage claim. Everyone turned to stare at her. At five foot ten she was tall for a woman of Japanese descent and that usually caught a few people’s eye, but it was the woman who kept their attention. She wore four-inch heels with the ease and grace of long practice. Her black silk stockings were imported from France and hugged her sleek long legs. The royal blue skirt and blazer were tailored to her exact measurements and matched her heels. Beneath the blazer she wore a white silk blouse from Japan. The blouse fit snugly over her small breasts and was clasped at her throat by a stunning azurite pendant. Mia wore her hair short and her almond eyes were carefully made up to appear larger than they were. She had resisted the temptation to have the few grays colored, feeling that they leant her an air of dignified elegance. At 38 she was still a captivating beauty, but it was the air of command about her that people noticed most. This was only fitting, as president and CEO of Nimbus Pharmaceuticals she was known as one of the toughest and most capable in the industry. Mia made her way easily down the concourse as people dodged out of her way. She looked back only once; to make sure she hadn’t lost her personal assistant, Heather. She smiled as she saw the short blonde digging into her purse for a dollar to give to the handicapped man who hadn’t even dreamed of approaching Mia. Heather was such a soft touch, she was one of those people who were so intrinsically sweet that you just couldn’t help but like them. Mia waited patiently until the small blonde caught up and then moved off again with her purposeful stride. While they waited for the baggage carousel to bring them their luggage Mia noticed the bruises on Heather’s arm. Her beautiful features took on a hard edge and she frowned. If they were what she thought they were, there was going to be hell to pay this time. At the rent-a-car counter Mia gave her name and was and showed ID. The young woman looked up from her terminal. “I’m sorry, Miss Takashi, but I can’t find your reservation,” she said. Before Mia could even open her mouth Heather acted. “Confirmation number 22345X, Check under your corporate reservations, Nimbus Pharmaceuticals, Corporate ID NIM34,” the little blonde said. The girl looked doubtfully at the screen and then typed some things in. “Oh, I see what happened. You reserved through the 1-800 number. We don’t get confirmations on those sometimes, I’m sorry,” “Well, what are you going to do about it?’ Heather said. “There’s nothing we can do Miss, you will have to call the 1-800 number and talk to them,” the girl said snidely. Mia grinned and said nothing, the one-time her personal assistant showed any spark was when Mia was crossed. “Very well, but instead of the 1-800 number why I don’t I call Mr. Gallatin’s direct line?” “I’m afraid I don’t know who Mr. Gallatin is,” the girl said with a slight edge in her voice. Mia sympathized with the girl, she had obviously been up all night at the desk and the problem seemed to be a recurring one. “Jim Gallatin is the head of the corporate accounts division. Nimbus does about $450,000 annually with your company and the last time this happened he assured me it wouldn’t happen again. I am sure he will understand a rude little smart ass desk clerk losing them a half million dollar a year account,” “Call whoever you want!” the girl snapped, but before it could escalate any further a young man emerged from an inner office. “What’s going on here?” he demanded. Heather smiled sweetly and showed her confirmation. He turned out to be the manager and the upshot of their conversation was Mia being upgraded to a luxury car at no extra cost and the desk clerk having to apologize for her rudeness. As they got in the care Mia studied her PA closely, but it was gone. The fire had faded and it was just sweet little Heather again. Heather sat in the comfortable leather seat as the car flew along the freeway. Her mind wasn’t on the ride or her boss, but on the doctor she had visited yesterday. Dr. Jacobs was such a sweet man and he had tried very hard to get her to file charges against Jimbo and move to the women’s shelter. She had of course refused, Jimbo was a good man, he was just down on his luck and he hadn’t hit her very hard this time anyway. She wouldn’t have been thinking of the doctor at all if it weren’t for the strange sensations she was feeling. He had given her a prescription for a new anti-depressant and she was trying to remember his exact words. “Now Mrs. Wilson, this is a new drug and it has some rather serious side effects. The most common is s****l dysfunction in men, which you obviously don’t have to worry about, but in rare cases it has the reverse effect on women. Stop taking it immediately if you experience abdominal pain, blood in your urine or dizziness,” He had listed a lot of other uncommon side effects, but Heather was having a hard time remembering them. Each bump in the road caused a delicious friction as her stiff n*****s rubbed against the coarse material of her rather severe bra. The sensations had been pleasant at first, but after 30 minutes on the concrete highway they were becoming increasingly distracting. She tried hard to concentrate on what Mia was saying, but the maddening rubbing against her supersensitive n*****s made it impossible. She felt a mild twinge in her soaked p***y and bit her lip. Oh god, she thought. Not here, not now! With no more warning than that she moaned softly despite her best efforts and fought back every impulse to be more vocal as her p***y spasmed in delight. Pulse after pulse of pleasure shot through her system, blotting out everything else. “Heather? Heather? Heather!” “What? I’m sorry,” she said dreamily. He boss was staring at her with a strange expression. “Did you just have an orgasm?” Mia asked incredulously. Heather blushed scarlet. She had never been so embarrassed in all her life, but she nodded her head slightly. “It’s the new drug the doctor has me on,” she said. Her voice was husky, still thick with pleasure and sounded unnatural. “If there’s a drug out there that brings orgasms, sign me up,” Mia said laughing. Heather smiled and hugged herself tightly. She tried to adjust her bra to keep it off her still very sensitive n*****s, which was of course impossible. “It’s not supposed to bring orgasms, it’s just an anti-depressant, but the motion of the car on my n*****s was too much,” Heather said, trying to get her breathing under control. “You can get there just from have your n*****s played with?” “I suppose so,” the pretty blonde in the frumpy pantsuit said. “What’s it called?” Mia asked curiously. “I don’t remember, I can show you when we get to the conference center, they are in my bag,” Heather replied. “Why are you on anti-depressants honey? Is Jimbo hitting you again?” Mia asked. Heather loved her boss; she was so kind and always concerned. She hated to talk bad about her husband, but Mia was her only friend as well as her boss. “A few times. He’s drinking hard again,” she said staring out at the road. She didn’t see the look of rage that passed over Mia’s features, but was quickly suppressed. “So he’s selling drugs again,” Mia said in an icy voice. “Oh no, no he promised me he wouldn’t,” Heather said turning back to her boss. “Where is he getting the money then?” Mia asked. Heather had no answer for that. With breathtaking suddenness Mia changed the subject back to the Hazelton account. The rest of the trip was pleasant enough and Heather was glad when the car came to a stop and the bellhops came out to fetch their bags. A few more minutes of that and she would have reached her climax again. Mia looked at the small bottle of pills and typed the name into the Merk manual she kept loaded on her laptop. She skipped the diagnostic synopsis and went straight to the side effects once she assured herself that the picture on her screen matched the small blue pills in the bottle. The common and uncommon side effects were pretty standard for anti-depressants, but it was the rare ones that caused her to raise an eyebrow. In rare instances female patients may experience heightened tactile sensation, especially in the erogenous zones. This can be accompanied by increased s****l appetite and in rare cases spontaneous orgasm. Impaired judgment, loosening of inhibitions and blackouts have been reported in less than .04% of cases. Mia read the passage again as she stood up and removed her blazer. She wondered if anyone had considered just refining the drug for that second effect alone, the one who did would make a mint she thought as a smile played across her face. That would explain why hopelessly conservative little Heather was moaning like a b***h in heat and cumming in the rent-a-car. As Mia removed the pendant she thought again about her secretary. Heather was definitely the best personal assistant in the business. She attended personally to every detail of every transaction and Mia was never late or uninformed. No matter what came up, the small blonde had always made contingency plans to make sure her boss wasn’t inconvenienced or embarrassed. For the last five years they had worked together for five days a week and had become the best of friends. Today at the rent-a-car counter had been no fluke, Heather was always on top of things like that. It almost hadn’t happened, Mia mused as she removed the delicate silk blouse. Mia had taken over as head of her father’s company five years ago when she began divorce proceedings against Wilbert McDonald, her then husband. Her first action had been to strip him of his title as president and CEO of the company when she caught him in their marriage bed with her sister. Only after he was no longer controlling her company had she started divorce proceedings. She had become president and CEO herself and immediately she started interviewing for a personal assistant. Mia smiled as she hung up the expensive blouse. I was so hopelessly straight back then, she thought. Her plan had been to get a hunky male PA and go from there, but her lawyer had advised against it. She told Mia that she was suing one of the wealthiest men in the U.S. for divorce and she would have to avoid even the faintest whiff of impropriety on her part until the proceedings were over. Mia hadn’t even interviewed a woman for the position, but she trusted her lawyer too much to ignore the advice. Heather Wilson had chosen that very moment to walk in looking for a job. Mia had hired her on the spot after seeing her resume, which was most impressive. She had only had to inquire about the last four years in which Heather hadn’t worked. The small blonde in the out of date business dress had told her that she had married a man named Jimbo Wilson. He was a floor foreman at a downtown shipping firm and had forbidden her to work. He had been laid off last January, she related and had steadfastly refused to take a job that was “beneath” himself. He had assented to let his vastly better educated wife seek a job when his unemployment had run out. Mia had hired her on impulse, as much out of anger towards men as because she thought the girl would be good. Mia had expected to drop Heather as soon as the divorce was final anyway, and how long could that take? Mia had showed Heather where she would be working and left for dinner with a male friend. She had almost been to the restaurant when her lawyer’s words came back to her. She ruefully canceled the date and in doing so began a five-year odyssey of self-discovery.
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