Chapter 13

1800 Words
*I pull Pinky on stage with me, even though, she didn't want to. She has her days when she'll jump on stage with me, or alone, but mainly she just comes to watch, even though, she sings beautifully. We sing, Dancing with a Stranger- by Sam Smith featuring Normani, and everyone applauds loudly when we finish. "I told you Pinky, we're better together," "Great job, Yaya!" "Can we talk alone now,?" "He can't even wait until I get off the stage," I say as we walk down. She squints her eyes at him and pulls me to the table. "Come on, Yaya," he says cheerfully. (I'm afraid to talk to him alone) What if I freeze up and he kisses me, like he tried to do last night? "Where do we go to be alone,'' ''Is there a room,?'' he asks from behind me, with his hands on my shoulders. "Alpha, you scared me!" I say as I brush his hands off of my shoulders. "I'm sorry, baby," My eyes get big with him calling me that. I stand, then I grab his hand and I walk towards the back door with three bodyguards and Pinky following closely behind. "What do you want?" I ask as I let his hand go and I fold my arms across my chest. He smiles and steps closer. "Give me your hand," he says, when I step back. I think about it and then I give him my hand. "I won't try to convince you to be my Luna today, because, you don't know me yet," "But why don't we go on a date and you can get to know me a little better,'' ''I'm not a bad guy," he says before he kisses my hand. "I don't think that would be a good idea, young man" "You're my Luna, so call me Zair," "Alpha Zair, I just can't get to know you like that, because so many other wolves have made me the same offer,'' ''The only difference is, I'm hearing you out, instead of reading a letter," "Then that means, I'm special to you!" "Yeah, that's true,'' ''You must like him a little," "Pinky, who's side are you on?!" "Sorry, but I've been trying to tell you, that you treat him differently," He pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek, surprising me. "Zair, what is wrong with you?!" I say trying to pull away, but only, causing him to hold me tighter. (If I was Amaya, I would definitely have his head) "I didn't kiss your lips, just let me hold you for a bit," I blow out a breath. "I can't wait to kiss your lips," he whispers as he looks at my lips. "Are you okay, Miss Yaya?" asks one of our bodyguards. "I'm talking to my Luna," he says sternly. "Alpha Zair, he is doing his job and I never agreed to be your Luna," "Here, go take your friends to get some drinks, and leave us alone for a little while" he says as he grabs his wallet and takes a couple of hundreds out, causing Pinky to laugh as I hold back a smile. "Little boy, they will not be bought," "I can give you more later," he says, still trying to convince them. I grab the money and I put it in his pocket. "They are getting paid extra for tonight, thanks to you," I say stepping away from him. "I feel sorry for your lips, when I finally kiss you, because they're going to be sore," he says as he steps towards me. My eyes go big and Pinky giggles. I lightly push him. "You're so sure of yourself," I say pretending to be angry. He smiles and grabs my hands. "Listen Zair, before you get deeper into your feelings, you need to know that I won't be here for a couple of weeks," "I'm going to be busy with work and school," "I also don't know how long I will be doing this, so I may never see you again," I link Pinky and tell her to keep quiet. "You don't ever have to work baby, you're my Luna, and you can live like a queen," He says as he rubs his thumbs over my hands. ''What school do you go to?" "Why, so that, you can show up?" I say pulling my hands back. "Maybe" he says with a grin. ''Well I go to a university and visitors are not allowed, unless they are family" "A mate is closer than family," "Zair, you're not my mate," "How do you know,?" "You know what, I don't,?" I say frustrated. (Why do wolves always say that?) "Dude, you're freaking her out!" says Pinky with a goofy smile. "I am,?" he asks, looking me in my eyes. "She's afraid of commitment, which is why she's never had a boyfriend," "Pinky, you just got one!" "You know that I was waiting on your br-," "We'll talk about this later," she says when she almost let's it slip that she was waiting on my brother. "Just tell me if your school is close by, I can visit you on campus," "My parent's are strict and if I have a boy visiting me, they will get angry," "But you're an adult," he says as his hands move to my waist. "I know, but they know what's best for me, so I listen to them," I say as I remove his hands. "Well don't let them ruin your happiness," he says as he grabs my hands and pulls me into a hug. "I have to go," "I might link you the information about my school or my work," "Okay baby, can I kiss your cheek once more?" he asks as I turn to leave. "No, because, we were only supposed to talk and you only hugged and kissed me the entire time," "I haven't held and kissed you yet baby," "Bye, Alpha," I say putting my hand on his chest, so that he won't get close to me, and so, that he won't follow us. "Bye beautiful,'' he says before grabbing my hand and kissing it. Pinky smiles as she hooks her arm with mine as the driver pulls up beside us and we climb in the backseat. I blow out a breath. "We might have to stop coming for a while," "Why?!" "Because he has no respect for personal space, and I, was trying not to kick his butt, because, he'd know it was me," She giggles. "He is so in love with you Yaya" "I'm not Yaya, Pinky," "Well I am now, but, when he finds out, he will be disappointed that he got the schools tomboy," "Tomboy or not you're a natural beauty," "You always talk about the guys that like me, but they only stopped talking to you because you started beating them up," I smile at my handy work. "Now if it would just work on Alpha Jr. and Raegan," She shakes her head and leans on my shoulder. Zair's Pov: "So, I guess your talk went well,?" asks Raegan probably noticing my smile. "I had her in my arms man, but I still didn't get her scent, no matter how hard I tried," "What did you talk about?" asks Ben with raised eyebrows. "Apparently, she's talked about me a lot,'' ''Her little pink haired friend let it slip," "Her name is Pinky," says Ben surprising even himself, by the look on his face. "Her skin is so soft" I say, after I lick my lips to see, if I could taste her. "You touched her," "I rubbed her hands and I kissed her cheeks as I hugged her," "She was so nervous and kept trying to pull back, but she didn't try hard enough, so I figured she wanted to be in my arms," "You sound like a creep!" laughs Raegan, as Ben to laughs too. "She had her bodyguards there, if she didn't want me to hold her, she would have told them to take me away," "Even though, I would have killed them, if they, would have tried to separate us!" They look at me surprised. ''I'm not crazy, I want her to be my Luna,'' Their eyes get bigger. "Man, you really need to think about this," "What if she only let you hug her, so that, you wouldn't cause a scene,?" asks Raegan. Now it's my time to be surprised. "She pulled you out of the club and wouldn't let you sit with her," he says as she shrugs. ''Last night she left, because, you were causing a scene," "I have to talk to her," "She did say that she was leaving for a while," "Was this her way of saying goodbye to me?!" I say panicked. "I'll tear this place down, if I, don't find her!" "Hey man, calm down," he says as I hit the table, causing people to turn and look at us. "Let's go, you can link her outside," says Raegan as he puts his hand on my shoulder. I get up and walk outside. "Yaya, please tell me that just now was not goodbye," It takes her a while to answer back, and I'm almost ready to punch my car, when I hear her sweet voice. "I told you that I'd be back after a while," "Okay baby, don't leave me," "Alpha," "You know what never mind," she says before closing her link. I smile. "She's just going to school,'' ''She's a college girl," I say relieved. (I can breath again) Ben chuckles and pats me on the back. "Let's go man," he says. End of Pov: "He's still linking you?" asks Teagan as we change our clothes. "He asked me, if I was leaving him and we're not even together," "He sounded so sad and hurt Teagan," "I don't know how long I can keep this up," "If it get's to be too much you'll have to tell him, because, he seems like the type that won't take no for an answer," she says with a concerned look. (I guess she finally sees that he's becoming a problem) I blow out a breath and she hugs me. "We'll figure it out," "I know,'' ''We'll make up a back story for Yaya and Pinky" "We're here only for a couple of years, because of my parent's work, then we, go back to Canada or somewhere up north" she giggles. "Only you would come up with such a wild story," "It's that or I tell him that I found my mate, but, I'm scared of what he might do," "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm exhausted!" she says as she yawns. We lay down and go to sleep with our faces caked with makeup.
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