Chapter 50

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I wake up again, but this time to the alarm on my phone. I quickly turn it off and I turn to see my mate's beautiful eyes staring at me with a warm smile. (I usually wake up before my alarm clock, well recently since I've been living with him) I lean over to kiss him and he pulls me closer to deepen it. "Ewww!" I squeal, when I remember what he did. "Go, brush your teeth!" He chuckles. "Only if, you let me do it again," I squint my eyes. "I hate to tell you the bad news, but that was the first and last time we're doing that," "Excuse me, the last time you're doing it," "But you like it," he says as he rolls on top of me pinning my hands to the bed. "Didn't you like it?" he asks softly close to my ear. "I don't know" breathe out. "Why won't you let me do it?" he whispers. "I- I don't know it's weird" "It's not weird, if you enjoy it baby," he says before kissing me again. "Zai, we have to get ready for school" I say weakly, to change the subject, but also because it's true. "No baby, let's stay," "We have to talk with our teachers and I already missed Saturday rehearsals'' ''You're a bad influence," I say as I try to slide out from under him, while he's distracted. "What about my medicine,?" he asks sitting up. "You overdosed, last night," I say shrugging, as I walk to the shower. I soon feel him step in behind me, and he starts washing my back. I then turn around to wash him as well. (It's quicker this way) "Lets hurry, I want breakfast," "Okay" he says before he gives me a wet kiss. ''I meant let's hurry and bathe, so that we can eat," "I had to try" he laughs. I'm just happy he's listening, because, if he decides to take me, I won't be strong enough to stop him. (And truthfully, I don't really want too) We quickly get dressed, with me pulling on some grey jersey shorts and a red anime character t-shirt. After I put on a pair of black flip flops, I put my hair up in a loose ponytail. He wore a red shirt and black basketball shorts. While he puts on his shoes, I head to the kitchen and I make eggs and toast, then I grab a handful of strawberries and blueberries. I butter and jelly our toast, then I put it into a container. "Next time, you can ask me to get you breakfast," says his mom. "Okay, I will," I say as I rush towards the door ahead of Zair. "Bye!" we yell as we walk out the door. I feed him as he drives and he insists on sucking the jelly off of my fingers. As we pull up to the school, I see that we are not as late as I thought because everyone is still in their groups talking. We walk up to our friends and they look surprised to see us. "Why those faces,?" I ask. "We figured you weren't coming because you are now Alpha and Luna," says Raegan. "Especially since you sometimes skip classes," adds Teagan. "Those were days we used to strengthen our bond" says Zair as he hugs me from behind. "Yeah, I didn't go to rehearsal, because we walked around the pack getting to know some of the members and we're also in the process of buying a house" I say. "Wow Alpha,'' ''You don't waste any time," says Raegan. "Nope, not when it comes to my Luna," "Come on guys, we can talk later'' ''Let's get to class," I say, trying to pull Zair towards the doors. "Okay baby" he says as he follows me closely. We walk to our locker to get our books, before he walks me to class. Then he gives me a small kiss and waves as he walks away to his class. (Well this, is a good start) I think to myself. Miss. Pimm walks in just as I start to copy the stuff on the board. "So you're not nervous about being Luna,?" asks Raegan. "No" I say as I continue taking notes. "I have his mom, if I need to ask for advice,'' ''I also have my family and you guys as well," "Are you nervous about being Beta, and you Ben are you nervous about being Gamma,?" They both smile and shake their heads no. After I finish my work, I walk up to Miss Pimm's desk and tell her that I'm leaving school to continue online. She congratulates me and then tells me the different ways to finish out the year at home. "Where are you,?" asks Zair though our link. "I'm in class'' ''I was just talking with Miss Pimm" "Come out, I'm waiting for you" I excuse myself to the restroom, then I grab my things to leave. "Amaya baby, I missed you so much," he says before kissing me. ''I miss you too,'' I say after we pull back. As I put my stuff in the locker, he grips my hips. "Zai, let's go to the office, so we can do what we came here to do," I say, as I put my hands over his. He closes the locker and holds my hands against them, as he grinds on me. "Okay if that's what you want" "Zai" I whisper. "Yes baby" he says before he lightly bites my ear. "Stop" I say weakly. "Fine" he says as he turns me around, then he pecks my lips. I breathe out a sigh of relief and I grab his hand to pull him towards the office. We talk with the secretary and after we explain everything she helps us to get the paperwork together, then she gives us copies. I will still need one of my parent's' signatures to have everything settled, but my mom can come by at anytime. Another good thing about it, is that we can still graduate with our friends. She congratulated us both, then we went to class which had already started. "It took you long enough," says Raegan as we take our seats. "We were in the office" I say with playfully squinted eyes. "And if we weren't, that's between me and my Luna," "Sorry Luna, Alpha" he says with his head lowered. "It's fine Raegan," "Zai, don't get so angry with our teasing friends,'' ''I'm okay really," "Sorry Raegan, I guess I got carried away," I grab his hand and I kiss it. "It's that f*****g Alpha Daniel, that has me like this," "Whose he,?" he asks, just as surprised by Zair's outburt as me. "Please don't ask," I say as I put his hand on my leg when I see his eyes go dark. "Let's talk, during lunch," I say to change the subject and Raegan nods with wide eyes, then he goes back to doing his work. "Are you okay,?" I ask, as I pat his hand, that rests on my thigh. He nods as he squeezes it slightly. "Zai, do your work" I say as I squint my eyes at him. "Okay, Mrs. Luna" he says chuckling. When I finish, I look over at Zair and watch him in all his handsome glory. I can't help sighing as I smile. He smiles at me and grabs my hand before getting back to his work. I must have dosed off, because I woke up to him lightly blowing my face. I blink my eyes open, and I look around to see that everyone is still here. "You were only out for about 8 minutes" he says with a loving smile as he rubs my cheek. "Then why'd you wake me?" I ask with a pout. "The bell is about to ring, and, I don't want you to get startled. "Aww, Zai," I say before I peck his cheek and then lean on his shoulder. "Do you want to go home,?" "No, I'm fine" "Maybe someone, shouldn't have woken me up, to be a horndog," I say as I poke at his stomach. He chuckles as he grabs my finger to kiss it. The bell rings, and he helps me to stand, and we slowly make our way to the lockers. "I'm going to try and finish up fast this period, then I'll come wait for you," he says as he hugs me outside of my class. "Okay" I say before I poke my lips and wait for my kiss. He kisses me softly and tells me to call him if I need him, or if I feel sleepy. (He's so good to me) I think to myself as he walks away. ''Come on, you'll see him soon" says Teagan giggling, as she pulls me into class. We sit in our seats and we start doing whatever the teacher has on the board. When she finally walks in I'm almost finished. "Sorry class, I was in the office," "It seems that this will be Miss Thomas's last week, because she will be taking online classes," (Okay, way to share my life story) "We wish you the best on your new journey and congratulations," she says with a smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Danial's," I say slightly blushing, then I get back to my work, feeling uncomfortable from all of the stares. I was relieved to finish my work. It was so hard to keep my eyes open, so I laid my head on my desk. "Are you okay,?" asks Raegan. "Yeah, just a little sleepy" I say with a yawn. "Did Alpha, keep you up all night?" he asks as he wiggles his eyebrows. I smile and close my eyes, as I drift off to sleep. "Amaya baby, I'm waiting for you," "Okay" I say sleepily. "Are you prego,?" asks Teagan, causing my eyes to open and the sleep to leave me. "What's prego,?" asks Raegan with raised eyebrows. "I don't think so" I say as I blush and avoid Raegan's question. I raise my hand and ask to go to the restroom. She smiles and nods her head. (I guess she knows that it's an excuse to see my love) "See you guys at lunch" I say as I grab my things. "Don't tell Raegan, what prego means,'' I link. "Okay" she links back, whispering as if someone could hear her.
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