Chapter 7

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"I don't know what to do. I don't even know what to say to your dad," Skylar said to Ashton on the phone. It is 4 in the afternoon and he was sitting on a rooftop with a sniper, ready to assassinate his target. "My dad isn't that bad. He's intimidating at first glance, but he's pretty nice. I think he'll ask you for the basic things. Things like how old are you? What do you want to become when you finish high school? Are you-" Skylar spotted the target. "Oh s**t," he muttered. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Carry on." He put him on mute and looked through the lens of the sniper. The target was waiting for the light to become green with a few people. When he got a good view of him, he pulled the trigger. The target staggered and fell down. Almost everyone down there started screaming when they noticed blood. Skylar grabbed his phone and sniper and went down to the car in the back alley. He put the sniper in the trunk and walked to the driver's seat. He sat down and drove home. "And that was it." "Are you finally done with talking?" Skylar asked. "Yeah. Did you get everything that I said?" "No," he responded. Ashton sighed. "I know you'll do great. Come with extra clothes if you want to stay the night. Not to have s*x or anything. I just want you by my side," Ashton replied. Skylar clicked his tongue as his cheeks turned pink. "Why aren't you like this at school?" He asked. "I have a reputation, you know?" Skylar rolled his eyes. He parked the car in the garage of his house. "When are you picking me up?" He asked. "In two hours." "Okay, bye." "See you soon, Cherry." He hung up the phone and opened the front door. He was greeted with the smell of cookies. He tiptoed to the kitchen and peeked behind the door. He saw Roy making them. He fully opened the door and Roy threw a spatula his way. Skylar caught it before he hit his face. A grin spread across Roy's face as he turned back to the cookies. "You can lick it if you want," he spoke. "Was it a success?" "Yeah, it was. There's a high chance that it'll be on the news," Skylar replied, licking the spoon. He sat on the counter. "Where's mom? And why are you making cookies?" "She went to the store. And why not? I know how much you like them." He flicked Skylar's nose. "So how is it going with that boyfriend of yours? How does it feel to get it up your ass?" Skylar stopped chewing and made an attempt to kick Roy. But he blocked it just in time. Roy let out a loud laugh as Skylar was giving him the cold shoulder. After a while, his laughter died down. Skylar put the spatula in the sink. "Do you want some cookies?" Roy asked out of the blue. Skylar nodded and stuffed his face full. It was quiet for a while Roy added more batter to the baking sheet. "Why did I have to tell mom about Ace?" Skylar asked, grabbing another cookie. Roy sighed and put the baking sheet in the oven. "You know how your mother is. Even if you, or we, lie to her, she'll get to know the truth in a while." Roy grabbed a cookie himself and took a bite out of it. "It's a miracle that she doesn't know about the other part of my life. Or yours." "But you know what's going through her mind right now." Skylar straightened his back. "What color dress would Skylar look good in to meet her boyfriend's parents? Does she have something to cover up that flat chest? Would makeup be a good idea?" He mimicked with a high pitched voice. "You know this Ashton guy like a month or two right?" Skylar nodded. "But he was in my class since August. So I've actually known him for 7 months, but 2 months ago we started talking after..." Skylar remembered what happened that day and coughed loudly. "Never mind." Roy raised an eyebrow. "What happened?" "Nothing." Skylar turned all his attention to his cookie so he doesn't have to make eye contact. "Back to the topic then. So you know him for 2 months. When did you want to tell him about that?" Skylar shrugged. "He'll get to know the truth sooner or later." "But what if he rejects me or thinks that I'm a weirdo?" He asked softly, his fingers nervously tapping on the counter. Roy put his hand on Skylar's head. "There's a very high chance that that won't happen. The boy really likes you. And if he starts with something, you can call me so I can kick his ass." He ruffled Skylar's head with a smile. "Now turn that frown upside down. You still have an hour or so left." He paused. "Didn't his mom ask you to model for her or something?" "Yeah, but I declined." "Good. It wouldn't be a good idea for your face to be everywhere right now." He grabbed the baking sheet out of the oven and let it cool for a while. "But it isn't a bad idea to do in the future." Skylar c****d his head. "Why?" "I don't want you to continue with this job. I've never even wanted you to start with this," he confessed. "The only reason why I taught you everything was because I thought that you'd get bullied." "But what can I even do? I didn't think that far in the future." "Something that you like. What do you like?" Skylar rubbed his chin. "I don't know," he said after a few minutes. "Does killing people count?" Roy chuckled. "You could become a doctor, lawyer, salesman, businessman, architect, chef or just work for a company. You can even join a pyramid scheme. Whatever you want." Skylar's face scrunched up. Roy paused and thought. "Maybe you could become an actor," he suggested. "Many people at work do compliment you of your acting." Skylar snorted. "And where do I start?" "With that photoshoot of course!" Skylar clicked his tongue. "Just think about it." They heard the door open up and they both held something in their hand to use as a weapon. When they noticed Carla with bags in her hands, they sighed and put it back. "Hi sweetheart," Roy smiled and kissed her cheek. She smiled and greeted him. "Skylar, did you shower already?" She asked. Skylar chewed confused. "Was... was I supposed to?" Skylar turned to Roy who had the same expression on his face. He shrugged his shoulders. Carla shot them her death glare and Skylar tried his best not to show her a worse one. Roy patted his head. "You heard what your mom said. Now go." Skylar popped the last piece of the cookie in his mouth and walked to the bathroom. "I'll leave clothes on your bed!" Carla told him. Skylar didn't answer. 15 minutes later He stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and headed to his room. In there, he saw a dark blue dress, black panties, stockings, and heels. On it was a note. Skylar grabbed the note and opened it. These are some new clothes that I bought yesterday for tonight. I know that my little princess would look beautiful in the dress. When you're done, come downstairs so I can do your makeup -Love, mom Before he ripped the note apart, he saw something written under the message. This is your dad. I am so sorry for what you have to wear. I'll do my best tomorrow to make you feel better -Dad He sighed. He put the panties and the stockings on. After that, he put on the dress. He looked in the mirror and stared at himself. This was the first time that he really had the urge to break the mirror and use it to kill his mom. He grabbed the heels and his bag and went downstairs. He reached the living room and their eyes wandered to Skylar. Carla jumped up and ran to him. Roy gave him his best 'be strong, you can do it' face. "Oh my God, you look so cute! I could've never pulled that off! You would've looked better if your hair was a little longer," she ranted, hugging him and inspecting every inch of that dress. "Nina King's dresses are always so beautiful!" "Nina King? Isn't that Ace's mom?" She motioned him to sit down and she began applying light makeup on him. "Mom?" Skylar began. "I have a question." "What is it, sweetie?" She asked, looking for the mascara after blending everything in. "Why do I have to wear stockings if no one can see them?" Carla stopped for a brief second and smiled. "Because." "But why mom?" Carla's eye twitched. "Because I said because!" Skylar kept quiet and closed his eyes so he doesn't provoke Carla even more. Carla continued after calming herself down. Skylar kept his eyes closed the whole time while Roy was watching his wife a little worried. She put the red lipstick down. "I'm finally done!" She cheered. "You can open your eyes now." Skylar's eyes fluttered open and he saw Carla admiring him. They heard the doorbell ring and she stood up. She walked to the door as Roy squeezed Skylar's hand. She opened the door. "Good afternoon, Ms. Kennedy, " Ashton said, holding his hand out. Carla shook his hand. "My name is Ashton. I'm here to pick up Skylar." "So you're my daughter's boyfriend. Come in." She motioned him to step inside and Ashton walked inside. "Daughter?" He wondered as he was taking his shoes off. "I'll call her." She went to the living room and Ashton was more confused than before. "Skylar, your boyfriend's here!" She said. Skylar stood up and took a huge breath. Roy also got off the couch. "Do I have to go with you?" He asked. Skylar shook his head. "I can do it." He walked to Ashton and saw that Ashton was frowning at some family pictures. Skylar cleared his throat. Ashton turned to him and his frown deepened. "Hey Ace," Skylar whispered, looking down to the ground. "Cherry?" Carla went to them and put her hand on Skylar's shoulders. Roy walked up to them. "Isn't she pretty?" She smiled down at him, combing his hair with her fingers. "She would've been prettier with longer hair." Ashton nodded slowly and he smiled awkwardly. Roy introduced himself and Ashton did the same thing. He looked at his watch. "I'm sorry, but we really have to go now. We have to meet my mom early for something," he explained. Carla nodded and smiled. "Well, have fun, Skylar!" "Remember that you still have to walk tomorrow. So don't do anything crazy," Roy smirked. Skylar hit his arm as Roy died of laughter. Skylar grabbed his belongings and put on his heels. Ashton grabbed Skylar's bag. "Bye," Ashton and Skylar both said. Roy and Carla watched them both get in the car. They drove away. "You don't have to explain if you don't want to," Ashton spoke after a few minutes of silence. "My mom always wanted a daughter. My dad once told me that when I was born, she got one of her episodes when the doctor said that I was a boy. But after all that, she still thinks that I'm a girl. She dresses me up, buys me new clothes, new shoes, makeup, etcetera. I'm just like a damn barbie," he laughed sarcastically. "That's the reason why my hair was and still is long." Skylar glanced at him. Ashton gently grabbed Skylar's hand. "That doesn't mean that I'll stop liking you. Even after all of that, that doesn't mean that I'll view you differently. I like you for the way you are. Nothing's going to change," he replied, kissing his knuckles. "Thank you Ace," Skylar said with a smile. "Anytime Cherry." He paused. "Was that the reason why you tensed up when my mom asked you if you want to model for her?" Skylar nodded. "Okay then. If there ever is a chance that you still want to do it, you can tell my mom." At the dinner "Skylar, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ashton's dad, Max, asked. Skylar is really amazed that Max looks just like Ashton, but with wrinkles around his eyes and salt and pepper hair. Ashton looked at Skylar a little concerned, but Skylar stood up. "Okay, Mr. King." "Please, call me Max," he smiled. Skylar's heels clicked on the floor as they walked out of the dining room. Max stopped and Skylar's eyes focused on his back. He did a dramatic 180. "I know that you're a guy." Skylar froze. "Huh?"
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