
1500 Words
-HER- “What did they say?” I asked with an oblivious tone as I finished serving her. I did not look her in the eyes as I took my seat and served myself some food. “They said that want to meet you,” She spoke sternly, “You know who it is, Anna. Don’t play dumb,” I sighed when she finally called me out.  I did not speak and started eating while the food on her plate remained untouched. She continued to stare at me with a judgmental look decorating on her face. “An… When will you start learning from the past?” She questioned, “You should have stopped talking to him after he went after her!”  “What did he say?” I asked her instead. I was getting used to her scolding. I knew that she meant the best for me but she wasn’t taking into account how hard it was for me to detach from him after all that I had poured into him, which eventually went to waste. “He said he wants to see you again,” Her tone came out sterner than before as she said, “An… I swear if you meet him again, I am gonna-“ “You’re gonna what?” I demanded. She pressed her lips in a thin line and gave me a determined look. The air grew thicker around us with tension before she finally decided to eat. We ended up eating in silence. It was awkward.  “I’ll wash the dishes,” I muttered but she interfered, “I don’t want you in the kitchen,” I opened my mouth to argue but shut it and decided to go to my bedroom instead. We’ve had enough for today. I didn’t want to push the limits. As soon as I got into a hot shower, I was able to relax. I still had a couple of hours to rest and get ready for dinner.  Thinking about dinner, my thoughts wavered to him. My stomach clenched as soon as I remembered how his eyes scanned me. I was really needy after the meeting, which was odd.  I couldn’t think how it was possible to get turned on just by being checked out. I accept that he was hot and yes… those horns on his head. Those were the strangest part about him. I didn’t know what to make of them but the more I thought about it, the needier I got. This made the situation weirder but nevertheless, I found my hand trailing down between my legs. My heart and core throbbed the more I thought about him. I started with small circles, messaging the folds gently before the sticky wetness leaked out.  I remembered how his eyes were trained on my bosom for the most part. Imagining his hot mouth on my breasts made it easier for me to climb towards my orgasm. I threw my head back and pressed my lips in a think line as I came. I swallowed the moans, reluctant to let nanna know about my 'me time'.  I washed away my remaining hazy thoughts in the shower before walking out of it with only a towel wrapped around my body. I let the towel drop mindlessly as I walked into my closet. My eyes instantly fell on the full-length mirror inside the closet. My reflection blinked back at me before my eyes trailed down to my curvy body.  I was sure that I had gained a couple of kilograms since last month around my hips and thighs. Though the routine sit-ups that I did in the morning kept my stomach flat and leveled. Being of short height, it felt like I was getting more and rounder no matter how little I gained weight. Nana said that I took on my mother’s physical traits, who was naturally obese. I was far from obese but at the same time, I was nowhere near skinny too. Reminding myself of the ticking time, I chose my dress. The dinner seemed to be a formal one. I settled with a deep green dress that ended at my knees. The green brought out my hazel eyes, so I didn’t need to do much makeup. I let my hair free, though only pinning a couple of strands from the front at the back.  With a light pastel shawl, I stepped out in the evening. Mr. Toles had texted me the name of the restaurant. It was a posh Italian restaurant just near our office. It didn’t take me much time to drive myself there.  A secluded part of the restaurant had been booked for dinner. Beside our table sat a huge window that framed the picturesque view of the city.  Mr. Toles, Priscilla and a couple of other employees were already there when I reached there. The two towering men were yet to show up. I was starting to have some little talks with Priscilla when they finally showed up. His horns were the first thing I noticed before my eyes trailed down to his face. His grey eyes were already trained on me as he walked in with the other man. They were dressed in suits, just like in the morning.  Mr. Toles welcomed them with a handshake before they took their places.  My breath hitched when he took the empty seat beside me while the other guy took the empty seat beside Mr. Toles. My heart fluttered in my chest. I had to squeeze my thighs as my stomach clenched at the closeness.  His body heat radiated off to mine. I did my best to maintain a straight face and act unbothered. As the waiter poured our drinks, Mr. Toles introduced the staff again. “And sitting beside you, Mr. Theodore Vittori, is Annalise Greg.  She is assisting you in the deal,” Mr. Toles nodded at me. I instantly felt his eyes on me while the other guy plainly nodded at me. Soon, conversations started to sprout around the table. I kept quiet and resorted to sipping my drink. I was aware of him all the time. He was mostly keeping to himself too but I’d feel his eyes on me now and then. I froze when I felt him lean closer. I shivered when his hot breath tickled the exposed skin on my neck. When no one was looking, I turned to look at him. His eyes were already on me, watching me warily.  “Excuse me,” I uttered. His eyes intensified on me before he c****d an eyebrow at me. “So, you’re going to assist us in the deal?” I heard him speak for the first time. His deep manly voice made my stomach clench even more before my southern lips got wet. “Yes,” I muttered as I turned and sipped from my glass. When I turned back to him, his eyes were trained on my lips before they flickered back to my eyes. I couldn’t help but get aroused even more. His nostrils flared and he clenched his jaw, “You better make a good deal for us,” I didn’t miss the arrogance with which he spoke. It was speaking about his doubts about my skills regarding the job. “You don’t need to worry about that,” I told him, looking away again because I was finding it harder to maintain eye contact with him without getting hornier. I was going to need to touch myself again once I get home.  “I don’t?” He questioned, leaning even more. I was finding it hard to breathe with him being so close. It felt like I was going to explode soon. “No,” I muttered, looking around the table. I gasped when I felt his huge hand on my thigh. There wasn’t much between us, just the flowy material of my dress. His fingers dug into my soft flesh, making my heart race. “Look at me when I am talking,” He growled at me lowly. I gulped and turned to find his hungry grey eyes darkened on me. He looked so guttural as if he was just going to jump on me.  I couldn’t take it anymore. I slapped his hand away from me before excusing myself and leaving the table to go to the restroom. I sighed when I found myself alone in the restroom. I checked my makeup in the mirror while my gut feelings screamed at me that I wouldn’t be alone soon. It was right when the door of the restroom opened and my eyes found his grey ones in the mirror reflection.  I knew he had me cornered. 
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