"Chapter 24" Love is becoming uncontrollable

1651 Words

Erlik was playing with David Amaya was smiling with them, she turn her face when the door got open, Amaya's eyes fall on her enemy, Elijah he sees her and node his head to welcome her. "Dadaaaa!" David yelled in excitement. "Hey, my little baby, how are you?" David run to him and hugged him. " Dada you know I was in the hospital?" David said with innocence, Elijah's eyes went widen in shock. "What.....what happened to you?" Elijah asks and Erlik takes his steps to them and takes David from his arms. "David go mama is calling you," Erlik said and David runs outside his room. "What he is saying? Why he was in the hospital? And why didn't you tell me?" Elijah asks these questions in wonder, Erlik narrows his eyes on him and sees him disdainfully. " You are asking me about that, l

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