"Chapter 15" Came to know the truth of the devil

1591 Words

" Hey, relax calm down, why are you crying? What happened? Please tell me I just want to help him," " No, you can't help him, no one can help him," she said, her whimper was painful, she have to tell me this is noteworthy to know about Erlik. " What do you mean by I can't help him?" She turn her face and try to get up and leave but I place my hands on her hands, she feels the warmth through my skin, I really want to help her, I was realizing that my revenge is not only mine, but it also involves assorted lives, who are distorted, and upholding their every breath in misery. "Please, I don't want to talk, I just want to tell you that it makes me feel disgusting, humiliated," I can't, "Come sit," I ordered her and she trusted me, she take the seatback. "Let me tell you one story, a

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