"Chapter 47" The party

3066 Words

" Something is wrong between you and Ruth? What happened?" Merck asks Elijah roll his eyes which means he doesn't want to talk about it. "Elijah I know you don't want anyone opinion, but Ruth feels alone, you have surrounded her, everyone likes her everyone wants to talk to her but they can't cause of you, and she thinks she is some kind of misfortune, stop it and tell her everything then only she can live her life peacefully," Merck said. "Look my brother, she can never say no to you, no one can say no to you, but you have to understand if you let hr like this then she will be run away from you, run away from this place," Merck said and Elijah clutches his collar and pushes him on the wall. "No.... She can never run, don't say this again," "Woow woow okay, take it easy, I'm just y

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