"Chapter 38"

1767 Words

"You will see, how this challenge is going to mine, it means you are going to be mine," Merck said, and Amaya take a long gasp. "Okay, then see, sweet dreams," Amaya said and cut his call. " I told you, he would never.....," Amaya blink her eye at Erwin. "Where is she? Is she is safe?" Amaya asked "Yes, Elijah can never get his hands on her, she is completely saved," Erwin replied. " Although she can give her life to make Elijah miserable, but her life is important for us, every innocent is important for us," Amaya said and Erwin nodded his head. "Did you find her?" Amaya asks abruptly and Erwin's color goes pale, he turned his face and sips his wine. " Wait, what happened your face turn long?" Amaya walks and stands in front of him. " Her name is Ana," Erwin said and Amaya

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