3: New life new job

1239 Words
Maya. "I'll give you a call as soon as I find something suiting for you. Right now, there is no vacancy I'm sorry." The brunette apologized for the sixth time this month and she saw the desperation in my face. It's been weeks since I ran away from my wedding and I intentionally refuse to check anything related to my disastrous escape and whatever it is that happened. I want to know nothing about that day or the man behind it. I have changed my phone number, my name and everything else when I came to New York. Found out I could use the money I had with me to pay for everything I wanted. I stopped at the airport to get hefty amount of money from my card before my father could block it. There is still money inside my account but I know I cannot risk it again. My father or that ruthless man I am supposed to marry might track me down through it. And for the past month, I have been coming to this particular agent to find me a good job but no luck. If I don't find anything soon, I'll end up broke without an apartment or food to eat which will be disastrous because I might end up going back to my parents. I realise that having wealthy parents really did me good throughout my life and I appreciate their offer now more than I did before. It's just that I cannot fulfill my father's dream and live a depressed life my whole life. Passing her a smile, I say. "Please don't forget to call me first. No matter the job." "I will." With another sympathetic smile, she dismissed me and I took my cue to leave. New York is a beautiful city and if not for my tight budget, I would've explored the whole place. I don't want to spend money without having a job but once I do, I will be free to do all I want until I can plan further. I let out a sigh when I finally reach the apartment I have rented, a small place with one bedroom, restroom and kitchen. It is just perfect for me at the moment. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. After I was done eating, a knock came from my door leaving me paralyzed on the couch with my TV changing colours. No one has ever knocked on this door and if my father has already found me then I'm truly very foolish. Swallowing, I went to the door and peeped through the peephole then let out a sigh when I saw it was just my neighbour. I open the door and lean on it, a small smile on my face even as my heart beat. I have been doing that lately. I have been paranoid since I ran away. I know my father is extremely resourceful and coupled with the Caldwells? Those powerful people? I'm sure they will try their best to locate me which is why I came here. Far away from then. It was Josh. The one in the apartment facing mine. I met him last week when he came back from his long holiday in Africa. He looks like a nice lad. "Hi, Josh." I greet, taking in his dark washed jeans and T-shirt. "Hi, Amelia. I brought you something." He showed me the small box that is filled with red velvet cupcakes! My favourite! Ameli is the new name. "Oh my! Thank you." I grinned so wide my cheeks hurt and the name he called me was so uncomfortable. Amelia? Ugh. He grinned back. "I think I heard you saying they were your favorite." I did when we were talking with my other neighbor. She was eating chocolate cake and I told her I was allergic much to my chagrin then I said something about red velvet had no idea he will keep it in mind. "I did." I took the box from him then ask reluctantly. "Do you want to come in?" He shook his head. "No. I have work right now so maybe later." I smile. "Alright then. Thanks again." I kissed his cheek then close the door. I plop down against the door with a hand close to my chest to calm my racing heart. Not dad. Not his men and definitely not the Caldwells. This is going to be really tough. I fear what dad would do once he finds me. Taking the red velvet inside, I sit down on the couch and start munching it heartily. It's so good, I kept moaning throughout. When I finished, I went to get the beer from the fridge, the one I left since the day I came here. I allowed myself to get drunk on the anger and frustration and hurt that first day that was supposed to be my wedding. I couldn't believe my father wanted to get me married the day I can back from college. Who does that? And that too to a wicked man. I was almost half drunk when my phone rang insistently on the couch, I ran towards it. Only that woman from the employment agency had my new phone number so it is definitely her calling... Or my father found me? I peered down at phone to see her name flashing, I whoosh of breath left me. I cleared my throat before answering the phone, listening. "Hello? Am I speaking to Amelia?" She asked in her husky voice. "Yes, yes. This is she." I cross my fingers in front of me. This better be good news. "I have good news for you." She paused as though waiting for me to say something when I didn't out of excitement, she went on. "You said something about culinary skills huh?" "Yes!" "Great. There is a job offer for a kitchen maid if you want?" Is she really asking me? "Yes, I want it. What is it about and how is the pay?" "The compensation is quite competitive, and the role entails a five-day workweek, with responsibilities spanning breakfast, lunch, and dinner preparation. Additionally, this position is exclusively focused on catering to the culinary needs of a single individual." She cleared her throat. I blink at the amount of money she mentioned. For just breakfast lunch and dinner? Definitely competitive and if I add one more second without deciding she wil contact another person that will take the job in a heartbeat. "I accept. When can I start and where is the address?" I say at the same time without stopping to breath. "Good." I can hear the smile in her voice. "I will forward you the address and details so you can see for yourself." I thanked her and hung up the phone then start dancing in my place with excitement. My window made a sound that scared the s**t out of me and the same time made me think someone was watching me. Fuck, I am so paranoid. My father will have to forget about the wedding after some time so I'll do my best to hide away from him and the Caldwells. My phone pinged with an address somewhere around Brooklyn. Not far from here. That is the most expensive suburb in the whole of Brooklyn! Scratch that, the whole New York City! No wonder they are willing to pay this much.
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