1: Forced wedding or arranged?

1436 Words
Maya. "Done." The makeup artist said then step away from me. She went for minimal like I said. "Did they bring you here at gun point?" I ask the makeup artist, my eyes emptily watching hers. She only stare at me with wide eyes and I knew I was right. My mother's words reached me softly. "If you ruin that makeup, sweetie, your father won't be pleased." Pleased is the least word here. He will create a whole scene because of it. He will make sure I know my place as the daughter that never truly pleased him right from the beginning. Mom had been agreeable in this forced marriage, arranging everything hours after my return from London. Exhausted from the long flight, I'd only learned hours ago about marrying into the world known billionaire but the insider's rumored them to be part of the mob. I believe them. "Why me?" Tears welled up, and I no longer cared about the makeup artist's judgement even as she stared daggers at me. "I'm sorry," my older sister Zoe said, her eyes filled with tears too. "This is unfair." I let out angrily. "It is." She gave me a hug even though I'm mad at her too for being dad's favorite and he didn't think about forcing her to marry into the mafia though she is older. Swallowing my anger, I turned away, regretting the deal I'd made with my father years ago. Law school for an arranged marriage to strengthen our family's status. Not that I would marry for love in this family. It has always been business. They never cared what I think about myself. Or what I want. And I want to fall in love! I don't care how delusional that made me sound but I want to feel it. The connection, the peace, the bond and all of it. I couldn't believe I was marrying the man everyone feared, one known for ruthless business tactics. One who isn't afraid to get everything bloody to get what he wants. Mom confirmed it in the most obvious way by not answering my question earlier about it. Then this makeup artist. The mafia here in Russia are powerful, more than any other in the world. They are always feared by the government and I know they have their pockets deep into the police too. No one really knows what they do in the mafia, they are tight lipped about it. Last time I heard about Mr. Caldwell, he was battling with heart problem after divorcing his twenty one year old wife. And my father wanted me to marry someone like that –I might end up dead– just to strengthen their business face in front of the world. They want the world to think they are all businessmen and not mafia. I have always doubted whether or not my father is in the mafia but with the law school, I was busy to keep track of what was going on. As the wedding hour drew closer, I was left in the room all alone. A wicked plan formed and I acted. I quickly gathered cash all around the room, even my mother's bag, grabbed a duffel bag, and packed the money. I removed my wedding dress and changed into casual clothes. I hesitated about leaving a note, but my family didn't deserve an explanation. I'd seen enough of my parents' loveless marriage to want one for myself. The bad blood between families. My mother won't do anything to stop this even though she knew it was wrong in all ways. I have my life right before me where I need to become the world most respectful lawyer. That won't happen if I agree to become a member of the mafia, they won't allow any of their family members to become a lawyer that means exposing them because I won't hesitate to do so. Just as I was about to leave, a girl around my age walked in and she introduced herself as member of the Caldwell's, she stayed inside the room like a guard. She asked if I was the bride but I told her no, she was inside the restroom. She nodded and turned away to her phone. I was shitting myself at how this is going to backfire and how furious my father would be when the door was pushed open and she was called to come help that her husband's health is not alright. She is also married to an old man. Awful. This is the life my father wanted to push me into! The f**k. Once they left, I bolted for the door too. If I stay another minute, I will get caught. I look around my surroundings, fear gripping me with each passing minute then I started walking toward the back entrance of the chapel, my footsteps queit on the carpet. "Don't follow that way." Someone whispered and I jumped on my feet, turning to see a man I have never seen before in a waiter's uniform and a face mask? Why is he wearing a mask? He gave an apologetic smile then continued. "There are guards that won't let you pass that way. Go through the back door and they will let you out with the sunglasses on." He saw my confused and questioning look then sheepishly said. "Believe it or not, the Caldwells are the Russian mafia and this alliance is only going to benefit them. That is all I can tell you." I didn't ask how he knew I was escaping or when he planned everything for me, I was desperate so I thanked him breathlessly and ran down the hallway. I have a cab waiting for me a few blocks away, if I could only get to it before they notice me missing. As I reached the back door of the chapel, my only escape where there aren't hundreds of paparazzi, a guard stopped me and my heart also came to a heart then it started beating harder. "Where are you going?" "I have another appointment." I flashed him the makeup artist's card I stole from her bag. He gave a curt nod and side step to let me go. I was wearing my mother's large sunglasses to shield half my face. Entering the cab I had already called, a message popped in my phone which frightened me. I wasn't caught so soon, but I was. It's been twenty minutes. Mom: "Maya, I'm glad you left the chapel. This whole thing is a bloody mess and I don't want you to get involved. There are so many secrets I can't tell you but go as far away from this place as you can and make sure you are not found. Do anything to stay hidden. I'm sorry I'm just telling you this but William isn't your biological father. He knew that and wanted to get rid of you by making you marry Caldwell. I didn't agree but I had no other choice. You have ran away, good. Find your father, darling, he will save you from this whole mess. This is darker than you and I." What? What did I just read right now? William isn't my father? And he knows that? It makes sense now. The beatings, the glares, the second handed love he was reluctant to give and it has never been genuine. The awful punishment given only to me when he knew both Zoe and I commited a crime. As the cab sped away, my heart raced with so many thoughts. I'd humiliated my family and fled my own wedding but with that message from mom, I know I shouldn't feel bad for embarrassing them. I should have done worse to make William look bad and I hope they punish him for it. But who was that man that helped me? I never even asked for his name neither do I know what he really looks like beneath the mask. That was very rash decision I made and hope it won't come back and bite me in the ass. As soon as I reached the airport, I fumbled with my bag then my phone fell. A hand passed the phone to me, I took it with a small thanks and made my way to get a ticket only for the stranger to follow me. Raising my head to ask why he was after me, my breath caught at the sight of the man before me. No, this isn't happening, huh? s**t. Fuck my life. I'm f****d. This is a thoroughly bad day for me.
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