Chapter 2

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Shawn got up early, like he did every day to get in a workout before heading to the office. He checked his phone to see that he had a message from his girlfriend, Phoebe, about going out tonight. He was about to confirm their plans when he remembered it was Jenni's birthday and he had promised James he would go to her place to celebrate with the two of them. As much as he loved James and as much of a soft spot as he had for Jenni, after having grown up with her, he would really have preferred to go out with Phoebe tonight. Things between them were starting to get serious and he had even brought up the idea of her meeting his parents. Just as he was about to text James and see if he could bail on tonight, he got a call from his mother, "Hey mom, what's going on?" He answered. "Hi baby, not much. I just got off the phone with Jenni. She said you and James were going over there tonight to celebrate her birthday with her. That's so very sweet of you boys." "Oh yeah, I think that's what was planned but I'm not sure if I can still make it." "Oh that's too bad she sounded excited about the company. I was calling to see if you and James would be able to bring her to the house on Saturday for a birthday dinner with all of us, so I guess if you can't make it tonight you can make it up to her then." "Oh that would be perfect thanks mom, would you mind if Pheobe comes along as well?" "Oh no not all. I know you've mentioned bringing her around here. I would love to meet her." "Ok great, I was just getting ready to go for a run so why don't I let you go so I can call James first and settle our plans for this weekend." "Sounds good honey, I'll see you Saturday. Give Jenni a big hug from me if you do decide to go see her tonight." "Will do, love you mom." "Love you too Shawn." As soon as he hung up he texted James, figuring he probably wouldn't be up yet, and let him know about his change of plans for tonight. But he asked if they could go to his parents' house for dinner on Saturday instead. He texted Pheobe to confirm their plans for tonight and then headed out for his run. In the middle of his run he was almost knocked right over as something barreled into the side of him. He managed to stay upright but he was pretty annoyed. There was almost never anyone running through the park at this time of the morning. It was one of the reasons he loved this time, the solitude. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry" he heard from the person who had almost knocked him down. He hadn't looked at their face yet because they had actually fallen having bounced off of him and onto the ground. Finally, they turned around and he was surprised to see that it was actually Jenni that had almost plowed him down. "Jenni" he said, shocked and feeling a little more annoyed at the fact that she was out here running this early all alone, "what the f**k are you doing running around out here by yourself?" He snarled at her as he reached down to grab her hand. "Hello to you too," she snaked at him, "I don't usually run this early but I figured since we were all going out tonight, I wouldn't have much time later to go run." "So you got up early to go for a run?" He asked her, not quite believing her since he knew how strong her aversion to cardio was. "Well no, I actually woke up because I had a bad dream, and then Grace called and I was already up so I figured it would be good to clear my head and get some fresh air. Clearly I was mistaken." She said, giving him a pointed look no doubt because of the way he was speaking to her, but she had to know it wasn't smart for her to be out and about running right now. "Clearly" he drawled, "seeing as you ran right into someone. You really shouldn't be running alone in the mornings Jenni especially when you aren't paying any attention to your surroundings. Do you have any idea what could happen to you out here?" He knew exactly what could happen to a girl like Jenni. Although that was the problem wasn't it? Jenni was no longer a girl, she was a woman, an incredibly stunning woman if he was being honest with himself. Of course he had noticed how she grew into herself as she got older but as someone who he had grown up with, who annoyed him to high heaven, and who was his best friends sister, he tried not to notice those things about her. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself thanks," she retorted, "Anyway, do you know where you guys are taking me tonight? I asked Bianca if she wanted to come too, I'm pretty sure she has a crush on James. I'm super excited I haven't gone out in so long and you guys know the best bars." Oh s**t, he hadn't planned on having to tell her to her face he wasn't going out with her tonight. Actually he hadn't planned on having to tell her at all, he was hoping that James would just do it tonight. "Ah yeah about tonight" he started, and almost walked back what he was about to say as she began to look crestfallen. "You're not going out with us are you?" "Yeah listen I totally forgot I have a date, but James will still be there and we're going to bring you to my parents house on Saturday so I'll get to celebrate with you then." He wasn't sure why she suddenly looked so sad, it was one night he wouldn't be able to go out with her, she would still have plenty of fun with her brother and Bianca. "Yeah, okay whatever, look I have to go I'll see you Saturday I guess." "Come on Jenni, don't be like that." "Be like what?" She asked him. "All annoyed that you're not getting what you want. It's one night and you will still have fun with James and Bianca and then I'll see you on Saturday." "You're kind of an asshole you know that? I understand it's one night, but this one night happens to be my birthday and I was looking forward to spending it with James, Bianca, and you and you're ditching me to hang out with some chick you met like two months ago. You've known me basically my whole life. And no, we won't have fun and you know it. James only goes to these places when you're there too, and since you won't be coming I'm sure he'll still drag himself along but will sit hiding himself away in the shadows, while I feel guilty about making him come out when I know how insecure he is despite the fact that I still think he's as handsome as ever, and so does Bianca if he'd just stop being too stubborn to see it. So please don't stand there and act like I'm the one behaving like a brat when you're the one ditching your best friend and me for a girl you barely know. But like I said it's fine, I'll see you and James on Saturday and we'll just change our plans and do something more at James' comfort level. Have a nice run." What the actual f**k he thought to himself as he watched her run away. He really didn't see her as much as he used to and when he did she never spoke to him like that. He wasn't sure what Twilight Zone he had just run into but he didn't like it. He didn't like that she seemed so disappointed in him, or that she was changing her birthday plans because of him. But she was wrong about Pheobe. She wasn't some girl he barely knew. Maybe they hadn't known each other for very long but as soon as he met her he knew she was the woman he was going to marry, so what if it pissed Jenni off that he wasn't spending tonight with her? He would still be spending the day celebrating with her on Saturday although he was starting to think maybe Pheobe shouldn't come. No screw that he was bringing her. He finished up his run, went home, and got ready for work. He was sure the rest of the week would pass by quickly and even though the point of going to his parents' house this weekend was to celebrate Jenni's birthday, he couldn't wait to introduce Pheobe to everyone.
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