Chapter 5

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s**t, that didn't go how Shawn thought it would. He felt bad that Jenni had gone through that in high school and never thought she could tell them about it. And it was really shitty of Phoebe to act like that, but that was over six years ago and she was a different person entirely. She really was one of the kindest and sweetest people he had ever met. It didn't excuse the way she had treated Jenni in high school but she had apologized. But that look on Jenni's face when he walked out didn't sit well with him. He didn't know what to do here but he was feeling guilty about the way he left not just Jenni but James too. James hated being in places like this and he usually used Shawn as a kind of shield. Without him there they would probably either leave or Jenni would have to take on that role and then they might as well leave anyway, because she would just be sitting there with him the whole night. "Baby" Phoebe said pulling his arm and looking into his eyes with tears swimming in hers. "I'm so sorry about that, I really have no excuses for the person I was in high school, but seeing how much my behavior impacted someone really sucks. I wish I could go back and do it all again." "I know you do, and I know you're not that person anymore but it is a difficult situation. James is my best friend and Jenni is his sister. He's extremely protective of her, I don't know how they'll move on from this but we can try. Would you mind if I got you a cab back to my place so I can go back in and have a drink with them for a bit?" Phoebe gave him such a heartbreaking look he almost changed his mind before she said, "No not at all, you should go back in there. It's my fault your friend's birthday got ruined. I really want all of us to get along and maybe this is a good first step. It will show them that I'm willing to remove myself from a situation that makes them feel uncomfortable and give up some time with you to make sure they have a good night." "Thanks hon" he told her giving her a kiss on the head. "Thank you for understanding, I just feel bad that I left them hanging, then came out, then left again especially because it's a birthday celebration. I won't be here too long okay, just long enough for a few drinks with James and then I'll come back to you." "That sounds perfect babe, I'll see you in a little bit." Shawn called Phoebe a cab and sent her on her way while he turned around and went back into the club. He was surprised to see James sitting alone when he got back up to the VIP section, "Hey man, where did the girls go?" James startled for a second before he realized it was Shawn talking, "Oh hey, what are you doing? I thought you left with Phoebe." "I did but then I felt bad about the whole thing, and ditching you after I ended up coming out with you guys. I sent Phoebe back to my place and told her I would meet her there a little later." "Thanks for coming back but I gotta tell you man, I know Jenni was a little tipsy tonight but I don't think she was messing around. She's not going to forgive someone that bullied her for years." "I know it's a really f*****g shitty situation because you and Jenni are such a big part of my life, but so is Phoebe now. I think I've already fallen for her and I can't let her go. I know after what Jenni said she seems like she was the stereotypical mean girl in high school but that's not who she is today. I wasn't kidding when I said she's one of the kindest people I know. I know we're going to have to find some way forward but let's not worry about it tonight, lets just have a few drinks and relax." "Yeah sure we can do that" James said giving him a rare smile. "You didn't tell me where the girls are." James nodded his head toward the dance floor, Shawn stood up and went to look over and make sure they were doing okay. As soon as he spotted them he felt his heart skip a beat. With everything that had happened when they got here, he hadn't noticed what Jenni was wearing. The color of the dress she was wearing made her skin look tanned and glowing, but it was so short he swore if she put her hands in the air her ass would show. And that was nothing to how low-cut it was in the front showing the tops of her breasts. Jesus, he still didn't know when she had gone from the annoying snot-nosed girl to this beautiful woman dancing with her friend but he didn't like it. He especially didn't like the way all the men were looking at her and her friend. Just as he shook his head and was about to go sit back with James a guy walked up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist. She looked over her shoulder at him and instead of pushing him off like he thought she would, she turned back to face her friend with a smile on her face and started swaying her hips with the guy behind her. f**k that, didn't she know how stupid it was to dance with strange men. He walked back over to James "Hey I'm gonna run down there really quick and save Jenni from some douche." James laughed at him before tipping his beer at him and chuckling, "Okay, if you say so. Have fun with that." Shawn didn't quite understand James' response but whatever. He made his way down to the dance floor where the douche still had his hands all over Jenni. "Hey babe" he said walking over to her "I got us some drinks. Why don't we go sit down and have them." Jenni looked at him confused for a second, "Why are you here? I thought you left with that horrible woman." "Jenni, let's not do this now, come on I came back to hang out with you lets go." She continued dancing with the guy behind her and gave him a smirk, "No I think I'm good right here thanks, I'll see you later." Why wasn't this guy taking the hint and removing his meaty f*****g paws from her, "Hey asshole, take a hike." "You want me to leave sweet thing?" He asked Jenni. When she shook her head no, he looked back up at him, "Nah man girl says no, why don't you take a hike." Shawn took a few steps in their direction ready to show this guy exactly why he needed to leave before Jenni moved and stood in front of him. "Shawn stop, I don't know what you're playing at right now but I'm dancing with this extremely attractive man and I don't want him to leave. My night started off real crappy thanks to you and your girlfriend so please don't ruin the rest of it. I don't even know why you care who I dance with when you should be entertaining Phoebe so she leaves me the hell alone." "Jenni, I really am sorry about that but I promise she's not here right now. Look we can talk about all this later just come up and have a drink with me and James please?" Jenni looked at him with a hurt expression that had him feeling even worse before she steeled herself and told him, "No, I'm not your plaything Shawn. You don't get to act the way you did and then make demands of me. You can go back up with James while Bianca and I dance." Then she turned back to the guy she had been dancing with, ignoring him and doing her own thing. His girlfriend was at home waiting for him, the girl he was falling for, so why did it feel so wrong to see Jenni in the hands of someone else?
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