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"You okay cookie?" masuyong sambit ni Jake sa kanya habang naka higa siya. Its a Saturday morning and she's in deep s**t. It's because she's mildly drunk last night. She just called Jake last night to fetch her up because she couldn't drive. And this soothing voice coming from him just kinda help to her mood to light up a little bit. This is scary.. I should have not allow myself to get used to it.. She should know better, na hahanap hanapin na niya ang ganito pag dating ng panahon. That scared  her the most. "Yeah. Just my head" mababa niyang sambit. Hindi din siya nagmulat ng mata, but she can feel Jake's stare. "May problema ba?" she can feel "Jakey, when was the last time you got a girlfriend?" Am I  jealous?? The reason why she got drunk was, she saw him—Jake— with a woman in front of a coffee shop near her office. But I don't have license to get jealous.. That's another reason. So she immediately called her friends and got drunk. " Baby.. Are you mad or something?"  takang tanong nito. "Nope... Why would I?" sambit niya saka ibinaon ng bahagya ang mukha sa unan. "Whoa.. You're mad.. And for the record Miss Nalaglag, I haven't in a serious relationship since three years ago.. Uhmm flings, meron naman" Three years ago.. Who's the girl? Lucky her. Some thoughts pop up on her mind. She can feel un easiness from his voice, but damn man!  She gotta punch him so hard now! I'm not mad at him.. But she's mad at herself.. For asking him those questions sounded like a jealous girlfriend. While she and Jake just a normal person who just agreed to make a baby for her sake. "Baby.. Are you okay?" I'm not.. I'm hurting and I don't know why. I'm jealous but I don't even know why i feel jealous. She can feel her heart in pain.  Her eyes wanted to cry for reasons that she can't name. Maybe I'm just jealous because I don't want him to be with other girls while we're still on a process of making a baby. In her book, she'll be okay after this. She nodded with her thoughts. Jake is thinking why his woman is being like this. What did I do? He pinch her cheek and hold her hands and lay down to her side while looking at her. Something is wrong. He can feel it. She's in trouble. And thinking too much is not doing any good to her. "Care to tell me what you thinking?" masuyo niyang sambit. "Promise you don't get mad?" nakalabi nitong sambit habang naka titig sa kanya. He nodded and smiled while caressing her face. "I don't know.. I feel pain here" turo nito sa dibdib. Kumunot ang noo niya. "I mean, I don't know why I feel like.. Like... j-jealous..!  I saw you yesterday with another girl, and it's like my heart pound three times... And I don't know why" mahina nitong sambit. Leaving Jake mouth dropped in a second. "Is it a bad thing Jakey? I mean, I asked you to be my sperm donor, and here I am feeling this kind of thing over you" She said with shyness. Jake somehow in the middle of shock and happiness. Shock because he doesn't know that this woman is kind of honest and simple. Not every woman can tell their feelings — bad or good — like this on a man. And happy just because she's opening her life to him already. "It's not a bad thing Baby, I like it though" he said with a little smirk. "Why? I can be jealous all the time.. You still want it?" takang tanong nito. So what? "If you're jealous over other girls, then I will feel happy, it's because you don't want to share me with anyone. And I think it's normal.. You can't kill yeah?" he cracked a joke because he doesn't want to pressure her in any way. "No I can't.. What am I? I'm not a goon!" maang nitong sambit. He chuckled and kiss her on her forehead. You're so cute in your innocence my cookie. "Then it's okay to be jealous baby.. And just be like this, always tell me what you feel so I can fix it.. Hmm?" malambing niyang sambit. Bea felt relief, all she know was Jake will feel mad at her for telling him what she feel. She actually thankful that Jake understands her. I didn't make a mistake choosing you to be the father of my child. But for some reason, she feels bad  over him, He's too nice guy to be broken. And it's not good to let him enter her life. She can handle failure, of course she can, but speaking of which, Jakey shouldn't be drag in. "Ahm Jakey, if ever there will time that I need to leave and not be able to get back to you anymore, will you be mad at me?" She's looking at him straight to the eye, she wants to see what's his reaction. And she saw some.. Was it pain?. But why?? "You want an honest answer cookie?" Now, she's afraid to know the 'honest' answer. So she ask something else. "Now, I'm wondering.. Why do you always call me Cookie?" naalala niyang tinanong na niya ito noon subalit hindi siya nito sinagot. Ipinatong nito ang kamay sa baywang niya at niyakap siya nito. "Because your color is brown, and my favorite is cookies in light brown color... Yeah, that's why" tila nahihiya nitong sambit. Napatawa siya sa itsura nito. How can a man like him can speak like he's in between afraid and shy? "Silly you! Sa pagkain talaga Jakey??!" hindi siya maka paniwala sa sinambit nito. Jake nodded and smiled in shyness. "Buti hindi sa dugo!" sambit niya. At kumunot ang noo niya nang may naalala. "Lang'ya ka! Wala naman pala kayong lahing bampira e!" Tinampal niya ito sa braso. Na tinawanan lang nito. Mikaela laughed in horror when she asked her if they are vampires. And Jessa was shocked and showed her the article about the clan of Bautista. And she was shook on knowing how well known they are, and it's true that Jake is one of the greatest attorneys in town. "What thoughts running on your mind cookie baby?" she already used on Jake calling her Baby or like this —cookie baby. And it's really good in my ears. Napangiti siya sa lalaki. "Nothing much, I just wanna tell you that I'm feeling hungry now!" pasumbong niyang sambit. And jake just giggled and went out to the room. Ahh. How I wish I could have you in my life forever!. She decided to take shower and for the mean time, she will just enjoy being with him. It's so nice e! She should not drink too much anymore, she should focus on her goal —to have a baby. Napangisi siya ng maalala ang kahalayan na natutunan niya sa web site na lagi niyang tinitignan. And there are some articles that she read about s*x. Now she knows why she had those kind of pain in her first time. Nimal, hindi lang pala ako napunit kundi warak!. She laughed in horror when she think about Jake's 'sword'. It's huge!! We should do it again.. Yeah? Its because she read some that the v****a is elastic, and from time to time it will get use to its partner's size. So we should do it often then. She went out from the room and went to the kitchen. They had a great brunch together. From time to time, they laugh at each other with no reason. Bea is grinning while looking at the photo albums in Jake's drawer. Jake went out because one of his clients called him and ask for meet up. She's amazed on how Jake is dedicated to his work, it's Saturday and suppose to be his weekend but still, pinaunlakan pa din nito ang isang kliyente. Napatawa siya ng makita ang isang picture nito na naka nganga habang may hawak na ulo ng isang isda. Labas dila pa talaga.. She tskd. Some of the pictures taken when he's on his early twenties. College life. She assumed it's vacation time, and family bonding dahil may mga pictures na kasama ang pamilya nito at mga pinsan. And according to some reliable source, sa America nag aral ang lalaki. Ang cute niya na dati pala.. And she was about to put back the photo album when one of the pictures fell down. What's this?? Napa kunot noo siya ng mapagmasdan ang picture. It's the woman! The woman that she got jealous with and the woman in the old picture is the same. How long have they been together then? It's old and like it was taken years ago, preferably on their teenage. She's mad, mad that she's thinking on cutting it.! No.. This is not good!. I should stop.. Kinalma niya ang sarili at ibinalik ang album. May isa pang picture na naka usli but she didn't give a damn already. I'm not sadistic to hurt myself.. She will look at it and then what? To feel pain in her heart again?? No way..! She covered herself with the comforter and closed her eyes. I will just sleep than to think about it! She nodded on her genius thought and grin. But seconds later, she lift up the comforter and cursed her self just because she couldn't breathe inside. Fuckk!. She blows a loud breath and positioned herself on fetus style and close her eyes again when somebody cleared his throat "Ay k**i mo nalaglag!!." hiyaw niya at pabiglang bumangon na tinawanan lang ni Jake. "bakit ka ba nang gugulat?!" sita niya na  binalewala lang ng binata at mabilis na lumapit sa kanya. "What's wrong baby?" sambit nito. Umiling siya. Nagtataka na siya kung bakit parang alam na alam nito sa tuwing may gumugulo sa isipan niya. While she's doing her best just to hide it from everyone. Im not good in hiding talaga.. I'm sucks in it.. "Ohh.. Okay, come, I have some food.. Let's eat!" sambit nito. "Pagkain na naman!" maktol niya. He chuckle and pinch her cheek. Napaiktad siya sa lakas ng koryente galing sa lalaki.  Still the same fire every day. Ilang araw na ba silang nagkaka dikit? But the fire, the heat and the butterflies in her stomach does not went away. Thesame ferocity. Thesame feeling. And it's making her more and more curious about it, what is it anyway? It's not funny anymore.! And here she is, believing that some day mawawala din ito lahat. "You don't like to eat? I bought pizza!" tumaas baba pa ang kilay nito. Naglaway ang bagang niya saka nagmama dali na siyang lumayas sa kuwarto at iniwan si Jake doon na nakatawa. Jake burst in laughter and twisting his head on how Bea react to the food. Pizza lover e? Basta pizza, hindi nito pina patawad, kakain at kakain ito kahit pa sabihin nitong busog pa. I will pamper you in anyway I can baby. I promise you that. Jake step out from the room and went down just to grin, because Bea is now happily eating her pizza. He's smiling while looking at her closing her eyes while licking her lips Ang sarap mo!. Jake look down at his crotch, maghintay ka! Huwag kang atat buddy!. And before he can think of something, he walk through her and claim her lips. Napa ungol ang babae sa bunganga niya. He can taste the pizza on her mouth and he suck it. Ginalugad niya ang bunganga nito na hinayaan lang din naman ng dalaga. He stilled for a few seconds whe Bea, grab his butt and squeeze it! Fuckk woman!. He let go of her mouth and now breathing at each others mouth heavily. He can smell her breath. I miss you baby. He lick her lips and Bea moan sexy. Shiit.. Great torture! "I miss you baby!" bulong niya sa tainga nito, he felt her freeze and panting. Seconds later, Bea encircled her hands on his waist and claim his lips!.
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