Chapter 28

1551 Words

Isacc Pov The moment I touched the water, all I could remember was drowning. The feel of the water as it slowly lifted over my face, my lungs screaming for me to open my mouth and suck in a breath. The water covering my eyes, and the feel of Jason’s strong hands as he held me under. I was kicking and punching, but it was useless under his strength. I had learned how to swim when I was younger, before my father died, and before Jason started trying to kill me. I couldn’t breathe.’Isaac, you’re fine. You’re not even underwater, you’re fine. Breathe,’ Patrick said, trying to pull me out of my thoughts. I hadn’t even realized I wasn’t breathing. I tried to push it all away as Sean screamed again, horror in his voice as he got pulled under, his fingers lifted high over the edge of the wate

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