Chapter 10

1618 Words

Arabella Pov “Remind me again why we’re going to a bar. A human bar, with drunken asshole humans.” I said once more as Tessa and Nicole gave me dead looks. Nicole sighed, shaking her head as she watched the light, waiting for it to change. Tessa, however, didn’t keep her opinions to herself. Probably why I liked her best out of the two. “If you ask me one more time, I’m gonna throw this purse at you.” Tessa threatened. Nicole stared at Tessa like she was crazed and I simply laughed, Tessa soon joined in as Nicole stared at both of us like we lost our damn minds. “It’s not just a human bar, Arabella. It’s on the edge of town, so humans do go there, but other wolves do too. From other packs. Every once in a while a rogue will show up it’s fairly rare, but we still try to leave them alon

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