#Chapter 32 Games

1677 Words

I walked towards Glenda, barely registering the young women floating around the room in cocktail dresses. How many of them were party favors? Where had they come from? Were they all like Grace and Renda or had they chosen to be party favors?  As I neared her, she looked at me and my heart started to race. My palms grew sweaty like I was an awkward teen again.  I felt a little ridiculous being so nervous, but as I reached my hand out to her, I felt like we’d been dropped into some f****d-up fairytale.  Renda looked up at me then down at my hand with a curious lift of her eyebrow.  “May I have this dance?” I half expected her to reject me since Andrew was around, but she placed her hand in mine and nodded, allowing me to pull her onto the dance floor. It was a bit ironic that they were

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