#Chapter 24 Club Heaven

1528 Words

Matt left and it felt like he’d taken all the warmth in the room with him. I let out a long sigh and leaned forward against the piano. What was wrong with me? I had never been tempted by a man before, not even before Dan and the m******e.  My mom would tease me about not having a boy at school that I liked. My father was glad for it, saying that it was good that I wasn’t growing up too fast. I hadn’t wanted to settle for a boyfriend when I knew for certain my mate was out there somewhere. After three years of hell, I didn’t believe in such fairytales. Even if I had a mate somewhere, what would he ever want with a w***e? I took a deep breath and shook myself. Maybe I hadn’t been tempted and I was just sick. Maybe Alyssa’s interest in Matt was affecting me somehow. I’d have to have a seri

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