Chapter 7

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I threw myself completely into my studies for the next two days. Partially because I really needed to score if there was any scope of me getting into Cambridge and partly because I wanted to ignore the fact that my best friend was downright ignoring me. No calls. No text. No nothing. But if he was stubborn, I was the queen of stubbornness. I was not going to call him first. And why should I? It was not my fault. I wasn't the one to run away like a thief. If anything, I deserved an apology. My eyes furiously moved back and forth between my notes and my laptop screen. My tiny little brain was trying to make some sense of the notes scribbled in Adrian's neat clean writing. Where was I during the lecture of this topic? Sleeping...bunking...pretending to be ill? I pursed my lips and glared at the notes. What the hell! If only Adrian was here, he was gifted with the super power to make my lazy clumsy asshole brain understand all this crap as easily as blinking. Like me...even my brain was perverted! I scratched my head and turned my attention back when someone knocked at the door. It got to be mom but how come I didn't hear her come home? Whatever, I rolled my eyes. "Come in," I muttered, sucking the end of my pen. "I brought you coffee," A deep, hard voice muttered, placing my favourite cartoon mug on the desk. "What happened to your voice, mom?" I demanded, taking a tentative sip. "Did you catch cold or something?" "Elena?" "Yeah?" I looked up and to my surprise Adrian stood in front of me, his face impassive. I was so surprised that I pushed my chair back but maybe I was a bit too strong because instead of moving back it toppled backwards, making me land straight on my ass. Honestly, this hasn't been a very good time for my ass recently. "Jesus!" Adrian rushed to my aid but I raised my palm to stop him. Huh, trying to be nice after two days of ignorance and embarrassment? I don't need that. "I can mange," I muttered and grabbing my study table stood up. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned. "None of your business," I retorted. "Why are you here, Adrian?" "To apologise for being such a first class d**k," He answered, looking contrite. "So soon?" I spat, sitting down cautiously on my traitor of a chair. "How about procrastinating for two, three years more?" He stared at me with sorrowful eyes and I glared back at him. See, I was a good person but I also was extremely crazy. And I loved the person in front of me with my craziness multiplied a hundred times. And when you love someone that much, even the tiniest thing that they do is capable enough to hurt you. And he has hurt me. And I was not letting go of him without giving him a piece of my mind. "I didn't know what to say," He murmured. "I was feeling guilty and angry and... I don't know," "It's okay, I get it Adrian," I sighed and turned my attention back to my notes. "You regret kissing me. Trust me if I could I would erase the entire night but since I can't, I am sorry is all I can say. Now if you are done, you may leave. I have to study," "Ellie, please don't be like this," He pleaded, turning my chair back so I was facing him again. "I am really sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that. I shouldn't have run away like an i***t. But you know me? I take things way too seriously and sometimes over think them out of proportion. I felt like I took advantage of your drunken state and it made me feel sick. Your parents trusted me with you and I acted like a complete d**k. Please, can't we get past it?" "I got past it the moment I woke up," I muttered, looking away. "You were the one who went all the way to the Potter's field park to sulk," "I wasn't sulking," He grumbled. "I was retrospecting," "Same thing to me," I said. "Now if you are done, can I go back to study?" "You are not mad at me anymore?" He asked eagerly. I stared at him and sighed inwardly. I wasn't mad at you, Adrian. I was hurt... "Only if you tell me what in hell does these notes of your means," I muttered. He grinned at me and quickly crushed me with his gigantic hug before going into knows-it-all Adrian mode. As I stared at him while he was explaining the topic to me, I wondered if it was even right to be mad at him. Wasn't it my expectations that hurt me rather than him? I don't know if it was the chaos of the exams or the excitement of a long stress free summer break or the fact Adrian will be leaving for Cambridge after that even though it was a few hours ride away, that both of us completely forgot our awkwardness by the time it was our last exam. "How did it go?" Adrian asked as I almost ran to him. He obviously has finished it before time. "Better than I hoped," I grinned at him. "We so need to celebrate!" He chuckled. "Come on, hop on. Let's get back home first and then we will go out!" "Okay," I grinned and climbed onto the back of his vintage Harley as he roared off. Mom and Dad both were waiting eagerly for me when I got back home and I was honestly surprised to see them. Whatever were they doing at home on a Wednesday afternoon? "Woah! Why are you guys home today?" I demanded, hauling my back pack on the couch.  "We took an off today," Dad smiled. "After all its your big day today! You are finally graduating high school,"  "Gee, thanks dad!" I smiled and hugged him.  "So how did it go?" Mom demanded eagerly.  "Good if not great," I replied honestly. "I tried my best though. I cam assure you that,"  "Then we are satisfied," Mom smiled. "Come on, eat something before you disappear,"  "Adrian, Ava, Henry and I are going for a movie. And then we will go bowling probably and then for pizza,"  "Great, enjoy yourselves," Mom smiled as I hoped on the barstool. Dad kissed my head and then disappeared into his study to work. Mom shuffled around the kitchen and brought me a giant slice of chocolate peanut cake and a big glass of cold coffee.  Woah! Was I in heaven? "Just one slice!" I groaned and Mom laughed, shaking her head.  "Finish that first. And don't forget to take some for Adrian too," She said, sitting down beside me.  "Cool," I grinned, filling my mouth up as if the cake was going to run away anytime now.  "Oh by the way, I have news for you," Mom smiled, looking excited.  "Oh?" I dragged my attention from my plate to her.  "Alyssa is coming to spend the summer here," Mom smiled. "She got admitted to Cambridge too. So she will join with Adrian once the break is over. Aunt Sydney will be coming to drop her,"  Oh. This was news. And now Alyssa too will be going to Cambridge with Adrian while I will be stuck here struggling to get in as their junior. How humiliating was that? If only I was as smart as Adrian and Alyssa.  "What? You don't seem happy?"Mom demanded, frowning.  "Mom, are you ashamed that I couldn't get into Cambridge with Adrian and now Alyssa?" I whispered.  "I never wanted you to get into Cambridge, Elena," She replied, wiping the corner of my mouth with a tissue.  "Its you who want to go to Cambridge. Both me and your father want you to do what you want to do. Be it be Cambridge or anything else,"  I smiled at my mother. She was one of the greatest person I have ever seen in my life. If I ever get married and have kids, I wanted to be a mother like her. Sweet, kind, gentle and strong. Constantly pushing her family for the best.  "Thanks, momma," I smiled and hugged her. "I am off now. Thanks for the cake and coffee,"  "Enjoy," She smiled raising her glass. "Don't be out too late though. We won't be home. Your father and I will be going out for dinner with some friends of his,okay?"  "Okay," I nodded and scooted upstairs to change quickly.  When I reached Adrian's he was still getting ready so I scooted up on his neatly done bed and watched him comb his hairs to perfection. He was wearing a maroon full-sleeved Polo T-shirt with black collar and black denims. He really was handsome and how did he get such a sexy body? Was he secretly working out?  "How do I look?" He demanded, putting on his wristwatch.  "Relax we are going for a movie," I said, rolling my eyes. "Nobody is going to look at you so don't flatter yourself,"  That was a big lie. Everybody always look at him. It was me at whom nobody look but I hardly care. Screw the world! I know I am pretty! And Adrian thinks I am pretty. I don't need anyone else.  "I don't want anyone to look at me,Ellie," He said with a laugh. "Come on, lets go,"  For some really really stupid reason, Adrian decided that we should walk. When I protested he started a meticulous lecture on how unhealthy our lifestyle was getting and that walking is a simple way to keep us healthy and fit without much effort. I turned a deaf ear to all that and instead spilled the most exciting news that I almost forgot about.  "Alyssa is coming to spend the summer!" I exclaimed. "She is going to spend the entire summer break here and then go to Cambridge with you. Aunt Si is coming to drop her!"  "I know," He answered, staring at his phone.  "Huh?" He knows? How does he know?  "Dad told me," He clarified, rolling his eyes.  Of course, you idiot... "Oh, right," I muttered. "So tell me something, Adrian,"  "What?" He shoved his phone back in his pocket and eyed me curiously.  "Since aunt Si is uncle Julian's cousin sister, does that make Alyssa your sister too?" I demanded.  Adrian's eyes widened and his face turned red. He quickly looked away and I frowned. What was that about? It's not like I asked him what colour underwear he was wearing today! "No,it doesn't," He answered. "Aunt Si is some fourth or fifth cousin of dad's. In fact they bonded because of your mother. I don't know the entire story. Plus did you forget, Alyssa is adopted, silly? That's why it doesn't make her my sister. We are not same blood,"  "Ah, I see," I nodded in agreement. "That makes sense,"  "Why do you ask?" Adrian demanded, raising a brow.  "Just curious," I answered with a shrug. "Aren't you excited? She will coming to London after so long!"  "Yes, I am," He smiled and looked away lost in some thought. I frowned at him. What was he so pleased about? Alyssa and I were best friends and so was Adrian and her but because she stays in an entirely different continent, their friendship was not similar to the bond Adrian and I shared.  I knew Adrian inside out, like literally. I knew his favourite colour, his favourite cuisine, his favourite song, I knew about everything that was his favourite. I also knew stuff that he doesn't like, loud music, rap that makes no sense, purple colour, too spicy food etc etc. He was allergic to prawns, peas and cat.  Over the years that we have been together which was like our entire life, I didn't realised I have observed him so carefully. So I was sure that what we have can never be the same as the friendship between Alyssa and Adrian even if both their names starts with an A.  But wait! Why am I even thinking about this stuff? Alyssa was my best friend and here I am comparing like a fool about  who will better for Adrian like it was some competition. I inwardly kicked myself.  You i***t! What's wrong with you? I sighed deeply. I had already reached the crazy jealousy phase, making illogical comparisons. It sucked. Soon I will be worried and jealous and irritated about trivial stuff. And what will happen when he leaves for Cambridge? He will meet a hundred pretty girls there. For how long will he manage to study single. He was already eighteen years old. Soon his male hormones will be surging out of control. Then what? What if he comes home one day and says 'Look Ellie, this is my girlfriend' What will I do then? Be the best friend who turns into love counselors once their friends gets into relationship? Nooooooo! The thought was horrifying and I quickly kicked it out. I have to tell him, I decided. Its now or never. But I wasn't bold enough to say it straight out on his face. But then what should I do? I raked my mind and came out with the brilliant idea of writing him a letter. Way too old school, I know. But sweet and loving too.  I stared at him and he smiled back at me, throwing his arm casually over my shoulder. I can't afford to loose him to anybody else. That would be too dreadful. I have to  take a step. I nodded and agreed wholeheartedly.  Before the summer break ends...I will tell him that I love him... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hey guys! Here's the next update! I really hope you are enjoying the story. I know you might feel its  a little slow but that's the aim. I want to build the characters slowly so that you people can connect to them. Sinfully Yours ended too soon, I guess so this time its going to be bear with me.  Also, at the end there will be side stories from the pov of different pivotal characters for some crucial chapters. Since the story is about Elena and her journey the voice has to be solely hers but that's why the side stories will give you an idea of other characters state of mind as well! So yeah...thank you for readings guys! You people are the best!
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