Chapter 9

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I took a deep breath and opened the door. Was I supposed to knock? But then they were my friends so why should I be so formal?  "Hey!" I called as I pushed open the door and paused. Adrian and Alyssa smiled at me so brightly as if I was the love of both of their lives. They were sitting legs-crossed on Adrian's bed with his tablet between them I eyed them curiously. What were they upto?  "Did I disturb you guys?" I asked, shuffling by the door.  "What? Are you crazy?" Adrian scoffed. "I was just showing Alyssa photographs from our summer dance," "Ohh," I exclaimed. "I want to see too!"  "You have seen them a million time, Ellie," Adrian said, rolling his eyes.  "So?" I demanded, scowling. "They are my photographs too,"  "Fine!" He said and patted the bed beside him. "Sit here,"  I smiled and scooted on the bed beside him. He threw his hand over my shoulder and turned on the tablet to theater mode so all of us can see. The thin digital screen popped out of the screen, displaying the pictures.  "You look stunning, Ellie!" Alyssa murmured. "That's a pretty dress,"  "Isn't it," I grinned. "Highly uncomfortable though. Alyssa, are you alright?"  "Huh?" She frowned, looking puzzled.  "Your face is all you are having a fever or something," I muttered, staring at her reddened face.  "Ah...yeah I am good," She said, further going red. "Its just a little hot here,"  "Really? But the air condition is already going on," I pointed with a frown.  "I am good," She nodded vigorously. "So how was the dance? Did you guys get drunk,"  Shit.  Now it was my time to flush. The images of our kiss popped up in my head and I suddenly felt like the air conditioning was really not working. Beside me, Adrian stiffened and absentmindedly stared at his fingers.  "I forgot, Aunt Amy sent me to fetch you for dinner," I said hurriedly. "If we don't go she will come up! Come on! Come on! Lets go!"  "But..." Alyssa muttered but I grabbed her hand literally dragged her out. Adrian shot me a look but I looked away and hurried downstairs.  I didn't want to reminisce his attitude about that again... --------------------------------- Over the days, Alyssa comfortably settled in with us and the summer days melted into each other. And although having her was immense fun, there was always an unnamed awkwardness between the three of us. I couldn't still figure out the reason but I could feel it around me. Alyssa showed me the picture of the guy she liked and I thought she could have done better. I mean she was literally perfect if something like that exist. So she kind of deserved the perfect guy, isn't it?  I, however couldn't tell her about Adrian. I couldn't tell anyone about it before I talk to Adrian about it. And somehow I couldn't just find the right moment. But there was a perfect moment coming my way. I have to cease the opportunity then.  "I thought you don't like shopping?" I inquired,raising my brow as Adrian drove us to Thames City Center, a chic new mall just thirty minutes drive away, to get Alyssa some new clothes before she starts college.  "I don't," He agreed and further nodded his head to emphasize his point. "I am just dropping you off. Then I am going to get supplies with Henry for our trip,"  "Ah," I nodded. "Cool. Don't dare get a pink tent for me!"  "I wouldn't," He grinned. "Because we will be getting our own old world wooden caravans!" "Woah! Why didn't you tell me before!" I playfully slapped his hand and he scowled. Yes, I was strong.  On the backseat, Alyssa chuckled. She was reading a paperback about some star-crossed lovers. Paperbacks  were literally ancient but I refrained from saying that out loud. If only I will end up embarrassing myself because Alyssa was very smart. She will have the most appropriate response that will slap a big tape on my fat mouth.  " should definitely come! We are going camping in Campers Fowl in Suffolk. Its amazing!" I exclaimed.  "I already made arrangements for her," Adrian said and I frowned. What? "When?" I demanded, glaring at him. Wasn't he supposed to tell me that? So I wouldn't have to make a fool out of myself in front of her.  "Uh..two days ago," He answered, distractedly.  "And you were going to tell me this when?"I snapped.  "Sorry, must have slipped my mind," He said and gave me an apologetic look. "But we can't leave her here right? And the bookings were already,"  "I didn't say anything about leaving her here," I muttered and turned my attention out of the window.  Asshole. Sometimes I feel like I don't know him. And lately ever since that absurd kiss happened between us, the feeling has intensified. I wondered if it really was something or my wacky brain over-thinking because I was too bored? Or do we really know the people we think we know? Hmm, there was a different vibe to that. Maybe I should try my hand at writing?  "I will pick you guys up around three?" Adrian demanded as we got off.  "Okay," I nodded and started to walk away but he caught my hand. I turned and faced him, keeping my face impassive.  "What?" I inquired, eyeing Alyssa who was looking everywhere but us.  "Are you mad at me?" Adrian asked, looking contrite.  "Next time maybe you can add a reminder to tell me stuff, so that I don't make a fool out of myself," I answered and pulled away from his grip. "Let's go, Alyssa. Let's get you dressed up today!"  I took her hand and dragged her inside leaving Adrian with a dismayed expression on his face. Serves him right! "Do you guys always fight like that?" Alyssa chuckled as I pulled her into one of my favourite stores.  "No...yeah, that's right," I nodded vigorously. "That's mostly what we do all the time,"  "But he adores you," Alyssa commented, eyeing a blue sundress. I rolled my eyes but eventually smiled.  "Yeah," I agreed. "But who wouldn't I am so cute!" That was the most ridiculous joke I have ever cracked.  "Of course you are," Alyssa smiled at me and squeezed my arm. Was she mocking me? "He told me how inseparable you guys were even in school," Alyssa smiled at me.  "Oh we were. Just like Aunt Sid and Mom were," I answered, sitting down on one of the couches. "You see I have a knack for trouble. I always get into trouble even when I don't do anything. Teachers just love me, pun intended! So, Adrian kind of protects me from all that. He's like my shield. Its hard to imagine life, without him standing like a wall in front of me,"  "Aww, I wished I could grow up with you guys!" Alyssa moaned, grabbing a handful of clothes, all dresses. She was a dressy person.  "What are you saying? You pretty much grew up with us," I admonished. "I practically saw you naked when we were children!"  Alyssa made a face at the comment and I laughed. It was true all three of us have seen each other naked when we were like babies. Big deal.  "But I missed the most important time, you know," She said sadly. "I missed discussing crushes and you know all kind of ..." "Dirty stuff?" I offered and she laughed and nodded. "Don't worry we are pretty good kids. We don't talk or do dirty,"  Again, the images from summer dance flooded my mind. Yeah...we are pretty good kids for sure.. "But don't worry," I encouraged. "You are now here. We will watch and talk as much dirty as you would like,"  "Shut up!" She punched me which was as good as tickling someone. "I'll go and check these on,"  Once Alyssa was done with all kinds of girly stuff, we headed to grab a quick bite at the food court. While I ordered my most favourite, fish and chips with a strawberry smoothie and a chocolate eclair, Alyssa quietly settled with a salad and green tea smoothie. I couldn't help but comment on that.  "You are making me feel inferior here, Alyssa," I muttered looking disappointed.  "Huh?" She looked up from her phone and frowned. "What?"  "I am eating all this crap and you're eating that," I pointed with my fork to her green weird looking salad.  "Its a quinoa salad," She said looking lost.  "You won't get fat if you eat fish and chips,I swear," I said, pushing my over-flowing plate towards her. "I am literally surviving on this,"  "Oh," She laughed and shook her head. "Its not. I am not lucky as you to eat all that and still stay flawless. Fried food give me pimples all over,"  Oh...I am flawless! I felt pleased... "Since when?" I demanded, gobbling up my food.  "Since puberty hit me full force," She said sadly. "At home, Mom uses air fryer so no oil but I am not sure about here," I nodded my head in understanding. Wow, now I wondered if I was even a girl? I never got pimples and stuff and thankfully I eat like a pig but still hardly gain weight. Maybe I should go to a gynecologist and get myself checked?  "What are we having?" Adrian slapped my head and sat down beside me as I glared at him.  "What are you doing here?" I demanded, moving my chocolate eclair from his grasp. It was his favourite too.  "We were done with all the shopping so I came back to check on you girls," He said, popping three fries in his mouth. He stared at Alyssa's food and frowned. "What the hell are you eating?" He demanded.  Alyssa made a sad face and I laughed as she again launched into her sad pimple story. On our way back home, Adrian brought me a load of dark chocolates to make up for his idiocy earlier and I happily forgave him. I loved dark chocolates more than my ego.  Over the next two days the three of us were almost invisible. Because we were so busy packing for our weekend camping trip. Alyssa and I poured over the list that Adrian handed us- things to take and things to avoid... "Clothes and pj's," Alyssa read out loud. "Toiletries, slippers, sunscreen..."  "Oh my God!" I cried as I stared at dismay on the piles and piles of stuff lying on the floor. "How do we ever sort this?" "Don't you think this place is a little old school? I mean who needs charcoal for barbecue these days?" Alyssa frowned, staring at the list.  "That's the thing. They wants us to have the ultimate camping experience," I rolled my eyes. "Including making those traditional wood fires,"  "Should be interesting," Alyssa laughed. "Come on lazy bum, get going!"  "Did you just used the word bum?" I laughed, rolling over and falling straight onto the floor.  "God!" Alyssa cried, coming to my aid. "Are you alright?"  "Not my first time," I answered, rubbing my back. "I hurt my bum though,"  Alyssa stared at me impassively and then we both burst out laughing hysterical. I liked it. Laughing at useless stuff, the peace, the possibility of a great future...I liked all that. After the summer ends all this will be gone. We will be grown ups with responsibilities. Worrying about a career, worrying about getting a job, learning to manage our own was all scary to me. The world outside this safe home that our parents have created for us was scary. And I don't have an inkling how I was going to deal with all that alone.  Even though I laughed and joked all day, I was terrified. Alyssa and Adrian both have already choosen their lives. Adrian wants to be an investment banker. Alyssa wants to be a data analyst. I can't even imagine anything more boring than that. But atleast she has planned everything out. I was not even close. I had no clue what I want to do with my life. What is it that I was good at? I was just so...lost.  Even my sister, Jessica who was coming home this weekend was all ready to start her new job at Smiths, Brown and of the best law firms in London. She interned at one of their other organisations back in States and they hired her straight away. She was that good. My parents were proud of her. They were proud of me too and that's what bugged me the most.. What did I ever do to make them proud?  I sleep in class, I fail in tests...I failed to get into a good college...but they still loved me and were as proud of me as my sister. If I was my child...I would have disowned myself by now.  How do I ever go through this scary world like this? What was I going to do after the summer was over?  But little did I know...that life and experiences will teach me all... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/n: Hello readers! Thank you so much for your support! The summer we changed is closing in on 100 reads! I am so happy...thank you guys! 
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